Do we say knit or nit

knit 699 occurrences

So rode they, with death above them and around, death in many hateful shapes; and oft Sir Benedict bowed his head as one that prayed, the while his strong hands knit themselves to iron fists; and oft from those grim ranks behind a sound went up to heaven, a sound ominous and low, that was like unto a moan.

Sir Benedict stared on it, his black brows close-knit, and fingered his square chin as one puzzled.

40 "My stockings there I often knit, My kerchief there I hem; And there upon the ground I sit, And sing a song to them.

Her lip quivered and her brows knit.

"Ah!" thought the major, as he opened a bundle of knit lamb's-wool stockings, "here is my dear mother again, with her thoughts about damp feet, and the exposure of service.

Our little enterprise gave us an imaginative realization of the solidarity, the interdependence, of the world; and we saw, as in a vision, its four corners knit together by a vast network of paths connecting one with the other; footpaths, byways, cart-tracks, bride-paths, lovers' lanes, highroads, all sensitively linked in one vast nervous system of human communication.

Call me not indolent beggar and bold enough, Fain would I learn both to knit and to sew; I've two little brothers at home, when they're old enough, They will work hard for the gifts you bestow; Pity, kind gentlemen, friends of humanity.

" Like most close-knit, centripetal communities, we have a fatal penchant for nicknames in Our Square.

After that there was a pause in the conversation, during which Mr Croft, with brows very much knit, gazed steadfastly into the fire.

He is less of a boy, in fact, than Tom, if one may judge by the thoughtfulness of his face, which is somewhat paler than we could wish, but his figure is well-knit and active, and all his old timidity has disappeared, and is replaced by silent, quaint fun, as he listens to the broken talk, and joins in every now and then.

On Ash Wednesday the women neither sew nor knit, for fear of bringing misfortune upon the cattle.

Later, when she collected her things to go away, she left with us a pair of beautifully knit black silk stockings, marked near the top in fine cross-stitch in white, "D," and under that "5."

She had knit them herself and worn them.

Some of the more industrious women knit and embroider, and I saw one good mother with a basket full of mending, at which she was busily engaged at least three mornings.

Felicia had told him, when she gave him the green sweater on his birthday, that a hug and kiss were knit in with each stitch of it, and that when he wore it he must think of her love holding him close.

" Yet even those few were not familiar with the Katie Jones of that moment, for it was a new Katie, less new when leaning forward, tense, puzzled, hand clenched, brow knitted, her whole well-knit, athletic body at attention than when leaning backlax, open to new and awesome things.

Each of these 88 members represents in fact the whole of that mass of associated wealth, and the persons and exclusive interests of its owners; all thus knit together, like the members of a moneyed corporation, with a capital not of thirty-five or forty or fifty, but of twelve hundred millions of dollars, exhibiting the most extraordinary exemplification of the anti-republican tendencies of associated wealth that the world ever saw.

In warm weather, especially in the spring, the slaves keep up a smoke, or fire and smoke, all night, to drive away the gnats and musketoes, which are very troublesome in all the low country of the south; so much so that the whites sleep under frames with nets over them, knit so fine that the musketoes cannot fly through them.

Thou hast knit together the mountains, thou hast made mankind and the beasts of the field to come into being, thou hast made the heavens and the earth.

Surely she did not always knit so fast, Germans are great knitters it is true, but the needles made quite a noiseclick, click, clickagainst one another.

Under this law it was a crime to knit a pair of mittens or a pair of socks and send them from Boston to Providence or from New York to Newark, or from Philadelphia across the Delaware to New Jersey.

The wife and her daughters manufactured the clothing, from dressing the flax and carding the wool to cutting the cloth; knit the mittens and socks; and during the winter made straw bonnets to sell in the towns in the spring.

The young surgeon, Tom Singleton, whom we have yet scarcely introduced to the reader, was a tall, slim, but firmly-knit youth, with a kind, gentle disposition.

His cousin, Joaquin Blanes, proprietor of a factory for knit goods, urged him repeatedly to follow his example.

Sample of attaching tubing to ladies knit underwear, accomplished on Union special machine of class 13100, by Lloyd E. Hostetler.

nit 11 occurrences

Aren't you wasting time, Mr. Panel?" "Nit.

"Was that you who fired jest now?" "Nit," said Smoky.

I have a sort of valet and factotum, an excellent, respectable servant, whose spelling is so unvitiated by non-phonetic superfluities that he writes night as nit.

the beggarly nit!

Well, I should say nit!

Scissors, Mozh--gun, Sip-po-ne-gun. 5. Spear, Ah-nit, Nah-bah-e-gun. 6. Stop; cease; be still, Ah-no-wa-tan, Mah-ga-nick. 7.

My wife Nit-o-ke'-man.

Thou flea, thou nit, thou winter-cricket, thou: Brav'd in mine own house with a skein of thread!

The jealous queen started in rage; She kick'd her crown, and beat her page: "Bring me my magic wand," she cries; "Under that primrose, there it lies; I'll change the silly, saucy chit, Into a flea, a louse, a nit,

Fall mer nit sel Reiuli ab!Do hemmer's, i sags io Hani's denn nit gseit?

Fall mer nit sel Reiuli ab!Do hemmer's, i sags io Hani's denn nit gseit?

Do we say   knit   or  nit