7 examples of laas in sentences

[Footnote 2: Perhaps the story of the stones arose from the like sound of [Greek: Laos] and [Greek: Laas], words here regarded in the inverse relation to each other.]

Aetoi ho mèn skaeriptómenos chersín te posín te, Laan anô ôtheske potì lóphon, all hote mélloi Akron hyperbaléein, tot apostrépsaske krataiis, Autis épeita pédonde kylíndeto laas anaidáes.

The German positivists:E. Laas of Strasburg (1837-85), A. Riehl of Freiburg in Baden (born 1844), and R. Avenarius of Zurich (born 1843)develop their sensationalistic theory of knowledge in critical connection with Kant.

Ernst Laas defines positivism (founded by Protagoras, advocated in modern times by Hume and J.S. Mill, and hostile to Platonic idealism) as that philosophy which recognizes no other foundations than positive facts (i.e., perceptions), and requires every opinion to exhibit the experiences on which it rests.

The third volume of Laas's work differs from the earlier ones by conceding the rank of facts to the principles of logic as well as to perception.

[Footnote 1: Laas: Idealism and Positivism, 1879-84.

Aetoi ho mèn skaeriptómenos chersín te posín te, Laan anô ôtheske potì lóphon, all hote mélloi Akron hyperbaléein, tot apostrépsaske krataiis, Autis épeita pédonde kylíndeto laas anaidáes.

7 examples of  laas  in sentences