4 examples of lajeunesse in sentences

It was a Sunday school in the little town of Wolfville, which lies between the Gaspcreau and Cornwallis rivers, just beyond the meadows of the Grand Pré, where lived Gabriel Lajeunesse, and Benedict Bellefontaine, and the rest of the "simple Acadian farmers.

Lajeunesse, the third man, hung on, and was jerked headforemost into the river, from a rock about twelve feet high; and down the boat shot, like an arrow, Bazil following us in the rapid current, and exerting all his strength to keep in mid channelhis head only seen occasionally like a black spot in the white foam.

"'Cre Dieu," said Bazil Lajeunesse, as he arrived immediately after us, "Je crois bien que j'ai nage un demi mile."

Mr. Preuss and myself descended on the side we were on; and Lajeunesse, with a paddle in his hand, jumped on the boat alone, and continued down the canon.

4 examples of  lajeunesse  in sentences