4 examples of lanceolatus in sentences

Likewise, the spear-thistle (Carduus lanceolatus) is designated Marian in Scotland, while children blow the pappus from the receptacle, saying: "Marian, Marian, what's the time of day, One o'clock, two o'clockit's time we were away.

{38} Craspedocephalus lanceolatus.

Thistle, Spear - - - Carduus lanceolatus.

155 glaber Smooth ditto b.l. 156 lanceolatus Lanceolate-leaved ditto b.l. 157 laevigatus Spear-leaved ditto b.l. 158 Berberis canadensis Canadian Barberry b.l. 159 cretica Cretan ditto b.l.

4 examples of  lanceolatus  in sentences