26 examples of larga in sentences

For himself he constructed four splendid villas, at Careggi, Fiesole, Caffaggiolo, and Trebbio, and in the city the magnificent palace in the Via Larga, now called the Riccardi.

Giacque gran pezzo il giovine Medoro, Spicciando il sangue da larga vena, Che di sua vita al fin saria venuto, Se non sopravenia chi gli diè aiuto.

Assai più larga piaga e più profonda Nel cor senti da non veduto strale, Che da' begli occhi e da la testa bionda Di Medoro avventè l'arcier c'ha l'ale.

Di si maraviglia ch'abbia in testa Una fontana d'acqua vivace, E come sospirar possa mai tanto; E spesso dice a così nel pianto: Queste non son più lacrime, che fuore Stillo da gli occhi con larga vena.

"Sinillis est Theocritus amplo cuidam pascuo per se satis foecundo, herbis pluribus frugiferis floribusque pulchris abundanti, dulcibus etiam fluviis uvido: similis Virgilius horto distincto nitentibus areolis; ubi larga floruni copia, sed qui studiose dispositi, curaque meliore nutriti, atque exculti diligenter, olim hue a pascuo illo majore transferebantur.

It is certainly a rash thing to wish for long life; for as the Spanish proverb has it, it means to see much evil,Quien larga vida vive mucho mal vide.

Cosimo selected this site, in what was then the Via Larga

The scene was the Medici Palace in the Via Larga.

20.50 .. .. .. Prima Batido, larga.

Cuando le preguntan que cuánto daría por ver, responde: mucho, pero no tanto como creéls, porque tengo esperanzas.¿Esperanzas de ver?Si, y muy pronto, añade sonriéndose como un angel; ya cuento setenta y seis años; por muy larga que sea mi vida, pronto veré á Dios....

cesar arrastrada por la turbia corriente, y en mi larga peregrinación vi, solo, enlutado y sombrío, contemplando con una mirada distraída las aguas que pasaban y las hojas secas que marcaban su movimiento, á uno de los dos amantes cuyas palabras nos hicieron presentir la muerte.

In me sparsa manu virtutum semina larga Sic ale, proveniat messis ut ampla boni.

Their progress was a triumph, they could scarcely make their way, short as it was, to the Via Larga, for everybody pressed forward to kiss and stroke their hands.

Lorenzo announced his intention of personally conducting his eminence to the Duomo, and requested him to honour the Domina Clarice and himself by attending a State dinner at the Medici Palace, in the Via Larga, at the conclusion of the ceremony.

With Bandino on the other side, the three made the rest of their way through the dense crowd in the Via Larga, being greeted respectfully by old and young, though many wondered at "Il bel Giulio's" unwonted companions.

An enraged mob of citizens rushed pell-mell into the Via Larga, sacked the Palazzo Medici, and scattered the treasures which Piero and Lorenzo had gathered together.

Then Lorenzino opened a window and looked out upon the Via Larga, to see if anybody was about.

" The young Duchess Margaret fled precipitately from the Via Larga to the fortress of San Giovanni, which Alessandro had only just built and fortified.

The news of Duke Alessandro's assassination very soon got about, and groups of citizens gathered in the Via Larga and also in the Piazza del Signoria.

Cosimo and Eleanora inhabited the Medici Palace, in the Via Larga, just five years, and then he transferred his official residence to the Palazzo Vecchio.

The bride and bridegroom retired late at night to the Palazzo Medici in the Via Larga, set in order for them, but, on the third day, Prince Alfonso, as good as his word, set off for France!

The marriage was celebrated privately in the presence of the two Dukes, in the chapel of the Pitti Palace, and the young couple at once took up their residence at the Panciatichi Palace in the Via Larga.

Another woodcut shows an angle of the Casa Medici in Via Larga, girls dancing the carola upon the street below, one with a wreath and thyrsus kneeling, another presenting the Magnificent with a book of loveditties.

Michellozzo was then commissioned to raise the mighty, but comparatively humble, Riccardi Palace at the corner of the Via Larga, which continued to be the residence of the Medici through all their chequered history, until at last they took possession of the Palazzo Pitti.

Questo si era una cintura di tre dita larga, che alle spose novelle s' usava di fare.

26 examples of  larga  in sentences