30 examples of large-scale in sentences

Kitchener had a narrow escape of it (one of his fellow officers was shot dead close by him), but he went calmly ahead and completed his maps, splendid large-scale affairs which have never since been equaledand which are now in use by the Turkish and German armies!

The movements of all convoys were "plotted" from day to day, indeed from hour to hour, on a large-scale chart at the Admiralty, and it was easy to see at a glance the position of all the ships at any given time.

Risk under Large-scale Organization.

Fortunately, on one of the sheets of Raimondi's large-scale map of Peru, I finally found "Coropuna6,949 m."9 meters higher than Aconcagua!one hundred miles northwest of Arequipa, near the 73d meridian west of Greenwich.

He was now in the centre of the country, and less exposed to large-scale enemy attacks; but his actual rule extended little beyond the town itself and its immediate environment.

End of the Hsiung-nu empire In the two decades between 160 and 140 B.C. there had been further trouble with the Hsiung-nu, though there was no large-scale fighting.

This event became the signal for large-scale activity on the part of the princes, each of whom was supported by particular groups of families.

The wars down to A.D. 440 had been large-scale wars of conquest, lightning campaigns that had brought in a great deal of booty.

The two immigrant groups also differed economically and socially: the old immigrants were firmly established on the large properties they had acquired, and dominated their tenants, who were largely autochthones; or they had engaged in large-scale commerce.

In this epoch Buddhism helped to create the first beginnings of large-scale capitalism.

Large-scale landowning proved especially injurious in the Sung period, for two reasons.

p. 261: I regard this analysis of Ming political history as unsatisfactory, but to my knowledge no large-scale analysis has been made.

The high price of slaves, furthermore, prevented many a capable manager from exercising his talents by debarring him from the acquisition of labor and the other means of large-scale production.

The names of Dr. Beattie Crozier and Mr. Benjamin Kidd recall works that impress one as large-scale sketches of a proposed science rather than concrete beginnings and achievements.

"You see that white line on the hills opposite," said an officer, opening a large-scale map.

Even if the racial areas could be plotted out on a large-scale map, it was clear that no political frontier could be drawn to follow their convolutions, and that Greece and Bulgaria could only divide the spoils by both making up their minds to give and take.

Proceedings of a Symposium on Large-Scale Digital Calculating Machinery, jointly sponsored by the Navy Department Bureau of Ordinance and Harvard University at the Computation Laboratory, January 7-10, 1947.

We do not know the circumstances in which this great picture was painted but the existence of another large-scale picture portraying the circular dancethe lines of cowgirls revolving like flowers, with Radha and Krishna swaying in their midstsuggests that the Krishna theme had once again inflamed a Rajput ruler's imagination.

Bohannan felt a certain familiarity with the terrain, which he had carefully studied on the large-scale map he

There hung a large-scale map of the Arabian Peninsula.

She waved her smoky wand toward the large-scale map of Arabia on the wall.

"That all? Been doing some job of work, haven't you?" Cockerell nodded, and the Town Major proceeded to examine a large-scale plan of St. Grégoire, divided up into different-coloured plots.

In that sense we may regard it abstractly and historically, as we regard the most recent ice age or the long and painful record of large-scale chattel slavery.

CHAPTER FIFTEEN INTEGRATING A WORLD ECONOMY Repeated efforts have been made to establish large-scale, widely ranging economies.

KRIEGSSPIEL, a military game played on large-scale maps with metal blocks for troops, and designed to represent as fully as possible the conditions of warfare; was invented by a Prussian lieutenant in 1824.

30 examples of  large-scale  in sentences