49068 examples of larges in sentences

"If the fates give you large proportions, do you not require faculties?" 3618.

From hence the merchants travel in a large caravan to Caffa or Theodosia in the Crimea; but are often surprised and very ill treated by the Tartars during their journey.

la Serbie par son inanité évidente les larges sympathies des cercles de la société européenne.

One womanrather a tiresome person, a spinster with a curiously horse-like face and large teethsometimes stays for hours at a time and leaves us limp.

The dark room we have made Boggley's study; as he only uses it at night, it doesn't matter about the want of light, and there is a fine large writing-table which holds stacks of papers.

My bed with its mosquito-curtains stands like a little island in a vast sea of matting, and there are two large wardrobes, what they call almirahs, a dressing-table, and two chairs.

It was a blessing that no native reporters were near, or to-morrow morning we would see in large letters: SHOCKING AFFAIR IN THE RED ROAD.

I tie a piece of thread into a large darning-needle and supply her with my handkerchief, which she proceeds to sew into a tight ball.

This house consists of one very large room, dining, drawing, smoking room in one, and two bedrooms.

Madhabad is a large village, but the Blackies are the only Europeans.

Mary lives in a large city.

Her large eyes flashed with the furious determination to make him do what she desired.

He took the woman into the door yard, stripped her clothes down to her hipstied her hands together, and drawing them up to a limb, so that she could just touch the ground, took a very large cowskin whip, and commenced flogging; he said that every stroke at first raised the skin, and immediately the blood came through; this he continued, until the blood stood in a puddle down at her feet.

"In March, 1833, twenty-five or thirty miles south of Columbia, on the great road through Sumpterville district, they saw a large company of female slaves carrying rails and building fence.

The most diligent and best conducted children of the free-school received rewards two days before Christmas, in the large schoolroom, where numbers of ladies assembled, bringing different gifts for the poor children, and rejoicing at the sight of their happiness.

" At noon, large dishes of soup, vegetables, and bread, were brought in, but although the food was far better than Madelaine was accustomed to, she could not eat.

Du côté de terre est un grand et fort chateau qui a des fossés larges et profonds.

Ils avoient pour vêtement des robes dont les manches, larges de plus d'un pied et demi, dépassoient leur bras, et pour toque un chapeau rond terminé en pointe, de laine cramoisie, et velu; mais ce chapeau, au lieu d'avoir sa toile tortillée tout autour, comme l'ont les autres Maures, l'avoit pendante fort bas des deux côtés, dans toute sa largeur.

Les moutons ont de grosses et larges queues.

Ces pains, larges d'un pied, sont ronds et plus mince que des oublies.

Jadis elle étoit entourée de cloîtres, et avoit, dit-on, trois milles de circuit; aujourd'hui elle est moins étendue, et n'a plus que trois cloîtres, qui tous trois sont pavés et revêtus en larges carreaux de marbre blanc, et ornés de grosses colonnes de diverses couleurs.

Elles n'ont qu'un arçon devant, un autre derrière, avec de courtes étrivières et de larges étriers.

Les habitans y sont mieux habillés qu'en Hongrie, quoiqu'ils portent tous de gros pourpoints bien épais et bien larges.

Seulement, tous les quinze ou vingt ans, l'économe Et l'huissier du palais, avec des cuisiniers Portant tout un festin dans de larges paniers, Viennent, font des apprêts mystérieux, et partent; Et, le soir, à travers des branches qui s'écartent, On voit de la lumière au fond du burg noirci, Et nul n'ose approcher.

(La Légende des Siècles, Le Petit Roi de Galice.) 'Trois ou quatre larges araignées de pluie s'écrasèrent autour de lui sur la roche.'

49068 examples of  larges  in sentences