84 examples of largo in sentences

The broken rhythm which increases the energy of one style would ruin the LARGO of another.

It was Handel's Largo.

[Footnote 9: Serassi, vol i. p. 210.] (Footnote 10: "Alla lor magnanimità è convenevole il mostrar, ch'amor delle virtù, non odio verso altri, gli abbia già mossi ad invitarmi con invito così largo."

E perchè teco piu largo ragiono, Voglio the sappi che 'l mio cor è in mano De la figliuola del

Così veggian restar l'acqua nel vase, Che largo il ventre

Alfine un largo spazio in forma scorge D'anfiteatro, e non è pianta in esso, Salvo che nel suo mezzo altero sorge

Poi disse: Aspetta un poco, intendi saldo, Che non ti punga qualche strana ortica: Sappi ch' egli è ne la zuffa Rinaldo: Guarda che il nome per nulla non dica: Che non dicesse in quella furia caldo, Dunque tu se' da la parte nimica: Si che tu giuochi netto, destro e largo: Che ti bisogua aver quì gli occhi d'Argo.

We entered Naples at one o'clock, drove thro' the strada di Toledo and from thence to the largo di Medina where we put up at the inn called the Aquila nera.

The Largo di Medina is situated close to the Mole and light house and is not far from the Largo del Palazzo where the Royal Palace stands, nor from the Strada di Toledo, which is the most bustling part of the town.

The Largo di Medina is situated close to the Mole and light house and is not far from the Largo del Palazzo where the Royal Palace stands, nor from the Strada di Toledo, which is the most bustling part of the town.

On the Mole and sometimes in the Largo di Medini Pulcinello holds forth all day long, quacks scream out the efficacy of their nostrums and improvisatori recite battles of Paladins.

In the Largo del Palazzo there is always a large assembly of officers and others, besides a tolerable quantity of ruffiani, who fasten upon strangers in order to recommend to them their female acquaintances.

There are two excellent restaurants at Naples, one in the Largo del Palazzo, nearly opposite the Royal Palace, called the Villa di Napoli; the other not far from it in the Strada di Toledo, called La Corona di Ferro.

He rises about two p.m., takes his chocolate, saunters about in the Strada di Toledo or in the Largo del Palazzo for an hour or two, then takes a promenade à cheval on the Chiaia; dines between six and seven; goes to the Opera where he remains till eleven or half-past eleven; he then saunters about in the different Cafés for an hour or two; and then repairs to the gaming table at the Ridotto, which he does not quit till broad daylight.

I put up at No 1 Largo St Anna di Palazzo, near the Strada di Toledo, at the house of one Berlier, who had been a domestic of poor Murat's.

In the middle distance are the tower of Dunbar Church, the Bass Rock, and the Isle of May; and farther off is the coast of Fife, with Largo Law and the Lomonds in the background.

Among the selections given at the Sunday services are Gounod's "Sanctus," the magnificent "Pilgrim's Chorus," the "Gloria," from Mozart's "Twelfth Mass," Handel's beautiful "Largo," the "St. Cecilia Mass," and others of the same character.

Alexander Selkirk,the name of the principal personage in this narrative,was born at Largo, in the county of Fife, not far from St. Andrew.

On reaching Largo he learned the arrival of William Dampier at St. Andrew.

Dost thou remember the day when, on the way from Largo to St. Andrew, to join William Dampier, thou didst already see thyself the chief of a new country, discovered and baptized by thee?

Ah! why did he not remain at Largo, with his father?

The officer Dower approached, and, notwithstanding the crumbling of the decayed bark, could still read there this inscription: 'Alexander Selkirkfrom Largo, Scotland, Oct. 27, 1704.'

When the right day came, without a sign of ugly squalls or of an equally unfortunate calm, Olaf borrowed a largo cat-boat, and after stowing away the lunch hamper, that was always a 'must be' for an all-day trip, the boat almost flew out of the little bay and up the sound before the breeze that came with the morning tide.

POTATO SNOWBALLS.Cut largo potatoes into quarters; if small, leave them undivided; boil in just enough water to cover.

Boil until tender, serve in the shell, or scrape out the soft part, mash and serve with two largo tablespoonful of cream to a pint of squash.

84 examples of  largo  in sentences