91 examples of larning in sentences

I once knew a chap who was a gradooate of one of these institutions of larning, He was more ristocratick than a retired church deekin'.

"I'll larn ye to come inter a decent neighborhood an' slander its women.

Up-groon fellows used to come an' larn fro her, just same as childerthey did for suregreat rough colliers, an' o' mak's.

Boys as a gineral thing hain't got no bizness on the plains, no how; but these are a-goin' to larn Injin fightin', sartin.

"Hold on, youngster," he cried; "ye must larn to do as ye're bid, lad.

"Me, a black raskel," said I, makin a push to ceaze him by the throte, "Ile larn you that you can't call them names to me with impunerty, not by a darn site.

"I be fond of a bit of spart like that," continued Peregrine; "but I never could away with books and larning.

"Larn," cried the sailor, interrupting us, "no; it may be difficult for such chaps as me before the mast to larn; but you, I presume, is a reefer, and they ain't not much to larn, 'cause why, they pipe-clays their weekly accounts, and walks up and down with their hands in their pockets.

"Larn," cried the sailor, interrupting us, "no; it may be difficult for such chaps as me before the mast to larn; but you, I presume, is a reefer, and they ain't not much to larn, 'cause why, they pipe-clays their weekly accounts, and walks up and down with their hands in their pockets.

"Larn," cried the sailor, interrupting us, "no; it may be difficult for such chaps as me before the mast to larn; but you, I presume, is a reefer, and they ain't not much to larn, 'cause why, they pipe-clays their weekly accounts, and walks up and down with their hands in their pockets.

You must larn to chaw baccy and drink grog, and then you knows all a midshipman's expected to know nowadays.

You lived here long nuff to larn better dan datand dis is twice I've been to de door in de last half-hourif any one else comes dere they may stay outside.

"But jist to 'blege Miss Cass," she consented to attend her class, averring as she did so, "that she didn't 'spect she was gwine to larn nothin' when she got thar.

"Well, yes, I used to larn about Him when I was a kid at the Sunday-school.

"But it's h'ad wuk ter larn a ole dog new tricks, er ter make him fergit de ole uns, an' po' Ben's time come bimeby, jes' lak ev'ybody e'se's does.

However, by degrees I got at it, and very simple it was:Point 1, Better wages; (2) more cottages; (3) good-sized gardens; (4) 'larning' for the children.

In his pastoral of "The Field-Watchmen," he ventures to say, Mister Schoolmaster Moon, with y'r forehead wrinkled with teachin', With y'r face full o' larnin', a plaster stuck on y'r cheek-bone, Say, do y'r children mind ye, and larn their psalm and their texes?

"You sneakin' skunk, you, I'll larn ye to eat my apples!" He snatched at the apple, and was too successful; for before he reached it I opened my hand in obedience to his onslaught; and the apple rolled in the manure and litter of the stable, and was soiled and befouled.

"I'll larn ye! Pick that apple up!" I reached for it with trembling hand, and held it out to him.

Far as I can larn, Cardiff's your port, though I don't say a 'andy one.

I don't mean a politic man, but a man who'll larn dese people how to bring up dere chillen, to keep our gals straight, an' our boys from runnin' in de saloons an' gamblin' dens.

She used ter hab meetins fer de mudders, an' larn us how to raise our chillen, an' talk so putty to de chillen.

" "He's got to larn to work fust," said Salters, "an' den ef he's right smart I'se gwine ter sen' him ter college.

An' then, best o' everythin', he telled how when he was a-choosin' the men to go about with him an' help him an' larn his ways so 's to come a'ter him, he fust o' all picked out the men he 'd seen every day fishin', an' mebbe fished with hisself; for he knowed 'em an' knowed he could trust 'em.

; mebbe he 'll larn me some day.

91 examples of  larning  in sentences