70 examples of lashings in sentences

Then rapidly I cast loose my ankle lashings.

He had meant to storm at her, to stir her into activity by the lashings of his rage.

A seaman went forward with an axe to cut the lashings of the one on the port side.

To avoid this, a very serious evil, he had spare sails of heavy canvass laid across the roof of the warehouse, a building of no great height, and secured them to the rocks below by means of anchors, kedges, and various other devices; in some instances, by lashings to projections in the cliffs.

Even the great Whale has reason to fear the fierce lashings of that long, whip-like weapon!

Keesh had his best dogs in the harness, and shoved under the sled-lashings was his largest and finest pair of snow-shoes.

They forced me into the chair and bound me there with lashings and a cramp about the head; and then one took a red-iron from the fire upon the floor, and tried it a little way from his hand to prove the heat.

And there in the dusk she cried to the man, "Win your battleyou can, you can!" Broken by Fate, unrelenting, Scarred by the lashings of Chance; Bitter his heartunrepenting Hardened by Circumstance; Shadowed by Failure ever, Cursing, he would have died, But the touch of her hand, her strong warm hand, And her love of his soul, took full command, Just at the turn of the tide!

But Whipple toiled like a Trojan, and Remsen beamed contentment and scattered tongue-lashings alternately; and Blair, ever armed with a text-book, watched from the side-line whenever the chance offered.

Johnson would be out before his car had fairly stopped, and at work upon the lashings of the little piano, with me to help him.

When such lashings were not prescribed by the court, they were commonly given under the eye of the overseer, or inflicted by the owner himself.

The stream of luggage having stopped, and the human cargo being all on board, we speedily cast off our lashings, and started: fortunately, it was fine weather, for, had there been rain, our ricketty tea-kettle would have afforded us no protection whatever.

And now, since this little difficulty about the money is gotten over, by my presence of mind, with your Honour's leave, I'll just step aloft, and cast loose the lashings of that bit of a tailor on the larboard fore-yard-arm.

Can you walk?' 'You bet.' 'Then come along forrard, and we'll see what cooky can do for you.' Cooky's efforts consisted in biscuit, butter, sardines, jam, and lashings of hot strong tea, to all of which Ken did the fullest justice.

When the time came for Te Ponga to leave his host he directed some dozen men of his to go to the landing-place in the harbor, prepare one large canoe in which he and his followers might escape, and then to take the other canoes and cut the lashings which made the top sides fast to the hulls.

When the pursuing villagers arrived at the beach they laid hold of another canoe, but found that the lashings of all had been cut, so that pursuit was impossible.

"We'll be at a great disadvantage in the water," the hunter whispered back, "but we'll have to get our rifles loose from their lashings and make a fight of it.

Nothing, indeed, is more difficult for a high-spirited person than to bridle his tongue under the lashings of another.

Oh! the horrible details that that preacher gave of that day's sport, of the lashings, and faintings, and revivals, with washes of strong brine, the prayers for mercy, and the recurring moan!

It is simply a skeleton framework, fastened together with lashings of dried sealskin, and mounted on broad, curved runners.

We engaged an old and experienced Cossack named Gregorie Zinovief as guide and Chukchi interpreter, hired a young Russian called Yagór as cook and aid-de-camp (in the literal sense), packed our stores on our sledges and secured them with lashings of sealskin thongs, and by December 13th were ready to take the field.

The galley, with the cook in it, was torn from its lashings and slung overboard as if it had been a hencoop.

He had sprung alongside of Clara, and was already unwinding her lashings.

The sides and roof are formed of slender poles or rafters arching over from side to side, secured by lashings of rattan to five poles running lengthways; the whole forming a strong framework thatched over with coarse grass pulled up by the roots in large tufts, with a few cocoa-palm leaves laid over all.

The mast is supported above by two stays fore and aft, and below steps into a massive bent timber crossing the centre of the canoe, resting on the bottom, and is secured above to the inner end of the long cross beam by strong lashings, and some large wedges between it and one side.

70 examples of  lashings  in sentences