571 examples of last in in sentences

Zeiss consequently was forced to take the matter up himself, succeeded at last in getting such glass made in Germany, and "collared" the trade.

Hence it will be seen, that, speaking generally, the three vital functions resolve themselves into one,DIGESTION; and that the lungs are the primary and the most important of the vital organs; and respiration, the first in fact, as we all know it is the last in deed, of all the functions performed by the living body.

Not a farthing was to be obtained; and before Christmas the author of the English Dictionary and of the Lives of the Poets had gasped his last in the river fog and coal smoke of Fleet-street.'

He had disappointed my expectations so long, that I began to despair; but in spring, 1773, he talked of coming to Scotland that year with so much firmness, that I hoped he was at last in earnest.

She awoke at last in anguish of spirit, and slept no more.

It was a very brilliant entertainment, one of the last in which Madame Récamier presided as a queen of society.

Queen Anne was not the last in doing justice to our author and his performance; she was pleased to signify an inclination of having it dedicated to her, but as he intended that compliment to another, it came into the world without any dedication.

When last in Paris, I made a narrow escape with my life, as I tumbled headlong into a cask of brandy.

To make sure that he was really at last in love, he went away for a month to take sea-baths at Scheveningen, near The Hague.

At last in their journeying they came to the sacred city of Amara, and camped in the white sands beyond it.

I heard every word but what they said towards the last in a whisper.

Their being so silent, and their standing about in this uneasy, listless way, had its effect at last in breaking up the rest of the party.

St. Martin follows; a picturesque hamlet with a fine church, the last in the west of England to dispense with clarionet, flute and bass-viol in the village choir.

Suppose your eyeslike minehave rested on nothing but a howling wilderness for dear heaven knows how long; you come at last in sight of real houses, real grass, real door-yard gardens just ready to blossom in the spring, real food, real beds, real books, real men with whom to exchange the sensible word, and something more, mademoisellea woman such as one dreams of in the long forest nights under the stars.

Scarce had I seen for the first time his eyes Which to thy living eyes are life and light, When closed at last in death's injurious night He opened them on God in Paradise.

she asked at last in the tones of matter and fact.

But by dint of much study and many rehearsals in secret, under the superintendence of Fred, and Tom Singleton, who undertook to assist, they succeeded at last in going through it with only a few mistakes.

The indefatigable zeal and admirable arrangements, however, of the Governor-General, his personal presence near the scene of exertion, the concentration of a large and imposing force on the Sutlej, giving courage and security to the troops in the field, and the undaunted spirit of British officers, succeeded at last in giving, an altered and more encouraging complexion to the aspect of our affairs.

Professor Maurice has ended a life of the severest and most unceasing toil, still working to the utmost that failing bodily strength allowedstill to the last in harness.

We may therefore, I think, venture to conclude, that the education of a boarding-school is better calculated for the rich, that of a convent for the middle classes and the poor; and, consequently, that the suppression of this last in France will principally affect those to whom it was most beneficial, and to whom the want of it will be most dangerous.

Arter he 'ad left Jasper Potts 'e got more puzzled than ever, Jasper being just as bad as the other two, and Joe leaving 'im at last in the middle of loading 'is gun.

The Confederates had been clearly victorious in the first two, and had succeeded in the last in withdrawing with the fruits of Harper's Ferry, and with the honours of a drawn battle against McClellan's mighty army.

That discussion, which for half a century threatened the existence of the Union, was closed at last in the high court of war by a decree from which there is no appealthat the Constitution and the laws made in pursuance thereof are and shall continue to be the supreme law of the land, binding alike upon the States and the people.

She found it at last in some gold-lace antimacassars at Whiteley's!

Nothing particular occurred, either by way of anecdote or of scenery, till within almost the immediate approach or descent to that citythe last in the Suabian territories, and which is separated from Bavaria by the River Danube.

571 examples of  last in  in sentences