8 examples of latinised in sentences

To Latinise a pun, we must seek a pun in Latin, that will answer to it; as, to give an idea of the double endings in Hudibras, we must have recourse to a similar practice in the old monkish doggrel.

[Greek: fnr] may, perhaps be read phi ny (as Latinised spelling of [Greek: nu]), , or finirô.

he Latinises Reginald Pole), and some other of his friends.

So Murray, copying Blair, speaks of "Latinised English;" and, again, of style strictly "English, without Scotticisms or Gallicisms."Mur.

"It can be made as strong and expressive as this Latinised English.

[Footnote 2: Grotius (a Latinised form of Groot) was an eminent statesman and jurist of Holland at the beginning of the seventeenth century.

It was from this place that John derived the Latinised name of Leonmontanus, in accordance with the common practice of the time, but he was not known by it to any great extent.

Wealth of rhythmical elaboration was not the only benefit which a highly Latinised vocabulary conferred on Browne.

8 examples of  latinised  in sentences