10 examples of laurencin in sentences

I will also write a line to Laurencin, my tailor, to supply him with needful accoutrements."

So they took their boat on to the market-place, found the merchant at home, lost no time in telling of the good Abbé's generosity, and encouraged Laurencin to exert himself to the utmost in the way of splendid suits of clothing and armour, to do honour to his patron's gallant nephew, for there seemed to be no question of economy.

Portrait by Marie Laurencin.

SEE Laughlin, Clara E. LAURENCIN, MARIE, illus.

Avec un portrait inedit, dix photographies, quatre autographes et deax dessins originaux de Marie Laurencin.


Portrait by Marie Laurencin.

SEE Laughlin, Clara E. LAURENCIN, MARIE, illus.

Avec un portrait inedit, dix photographies, quatre autographes et deax dessins originaux de Marie Laurencin.


10 examples of  laurencin  in sentences