196 examples of lawe in sentences

Out of the million pounds granted by Parliament for the erection of churches, some time prior to the date given, Preston, through Dr. Lawe, who was then Bishop of Chester, got 12,500 pounds.

London Printed for Mathew Lawe, and are to be solde at his shop in Paules Church-yard, neare unto S. Augustines gate, at the signe of the Foxe. 1602.

But of the princypalle yles and of his estate and of his lawe, I schalle telle zou som partye.

And alle be it that thei ben not cristned, ne have no perfyt lawe, zit natheles of kyndely lawe, thei ben fulle of alle vertue, and thei eschewen alle vices and alle malices and alle synnes.

And alle be it that thei ben not cristned, ne have no perfyt lawe, zit natheles of kyndely lawe, thei ben fulle of alle vertue, and thei eschewen alle vices and alle malices and alle synnes.

And also our Lord seythe in the Gospelle, Alias oves habeo, que non sunt ex hoc ovili; that is to seyne, that he hadde othere servauntes, than tho that ben undre Cristene lawe.

Neither yet dare they attempt to doe ought, but onely according to the pleasure of their emperor, and as hee inioineth them by lawe.

The Serifo is descended of the prophet Mahomet by Fatma daughter of that good prophet, and Alli husband to her, and sonne in lawe to Mahumet, who had no issue male, saue this stocke of the Serifo, to the eldest sonne whereof the realme commeth by succession.

Also this Tyrant made an order or lawe, that if any Merchant had any of the horses that were taken in the foresayd battell or warres, although they were of his owne marke, that he would giue as much for them as they would: and besides he gaue generall safe conduct to all that should bring them.

If suche proofes may prevayle gaynst any man, Any such slave, discarded for's badd life, May make hys former master forfayte hys; You may in ten days hange up all your nobles And yet have lawe for't.

Come, I doe knowe your practyse gaynst my life, And ment my selfe t'have easd myne injuryes; But nowe thys act hathe given you to the lawe And saved me from all daunger.

Howe prosperous villanye keepes all in awe: We are saved by that which glutts bothe deathe & lawe.

To which I adde Treasons of daunger & of hye disgrace Bothe to your crowne & person; and thoughe they Myght glutt the lawe, yet my brothers blood

But when a strycks gaynst lawe or gaynst desarte. Char.

Printed for Mathew Lawe, and are to be solde at his Shop in Paules Church-yarde neere vnto S. Austines Gate, at the signe of the Foxe. 1601.

Thou hast incur'd the danger of the lawe

If this be true, thou maist escape with life: Confesse the truth unto the officers, And thou shalt finde the favour of the lawe.

Merry, by lawe convict as principall, Receives his doome, to hang till he be dead, And afterwards for to be hangd in chaines.

Though thus disguisde, in habite, countenance, Only to scape the terror of the lawe.

Vesuvio, see their judgement be performde, And use Alenso with all clemencie, Provided that the lawe be satisfied.

Shakspere, Attornei at Lawe and Solicitor in Chancere.

"When Nembroth [i.e. Nimrod] by Might, for his own Glorye, made and incorporate the first Realme, and subduyd it to hymself by Tyrannye, he would not have it governyd by any other Rule or Lawe, but by his own Will; by which and for th' accomplishment thereof he made it.

Where lawe failleth, errour groweth; He is not wise, who that ne troweth."SIR

They say they marry their children so yoong, because it is an order that when the man dieth, the woman must be burned with him: so that if the father die, yet they may haue a father in lawe to helpe to bring vp the children which bee maried: and also that they will not leaue their sonnes without wiues, nor their daughters without husbands.

1610 ... publish in Print to the whole Realme and to all Posteritie, that all Graunt of Monapolyes and of the benefitt of any penall Lawes, or of power to dispence with the Lawe ... are contrary to your Majesties Lawes, which your Majesties Declaracon is truly consonant and agreeable to the auncient and fundamentall Lawes of this your Realme....

196 examples of  lawe  in sentences