118 examples of lay bare in sentences

A thousand hills lay bare to the sky, and half of every hill was wheat and half was fallow ground; and all of them, with the shallow valleys between, seemed big and strange and isolated.

I lay bare my heart to him, and he tells me that I act!"

Hence most men of learning as are loth to have their knowledge examined as merchants to lay bare their books.

A sword would merely lay bare the uncleavable bronze beneath, but if his nose be smitten constantly with a stick he will always recoil from the pain, and thus may Tharagavverug, to left and right, be driven away from his food.'

descubrir, to lay bare, disclose, uncover, discover; refl., to uncover oneself, take off one's hat (or helmet); to appear, be visible, be revealed.

The beauty of her spirit lay bare to them in the white, tilted face, slackened and smoothed with sleep.

All was revealed to me: the heart of Nature lay bare, and I read the meaning and knew the inspiration of her every mood.

But not a sod had been turned, and the steep hillside lay bare and open to the advance of an enemy.

I cannot lay bare my inmost thoughts about the League of Nations while someone is running a miniature mowing-machine along the back of my neck ...

Lay bare the monster's entrails here, To see what dangers threat the year: 70 Ye gods!

(For the Mirror.) Go, trace the forest maze, Or Cretan lab'rinth solve, On Nature's myst'ries gaze, Or Gordian knot resolve. Tell whence the magnet's force, The central motive scan, Lay bare Nile's hidden source, Earth's vast circumference span. Results from such detail Skill superhuman prove: Yet powers like these would fail To tell the course of love.

" "Then, you spoke?" "I'll swear to that much," returned Bob, resuming his seat like one who had settled the whole affair to his entire satisfaction; "and now, friend Harris, if you are ready to lay bare your mind, I'm just as ready to look at it.

On the other side, the dark planks, and polished copper, lay bare for many feet, though often washed by the waves that came sweeping along her length, green and angrily, still capped, as usual, with crests of lucid foam.

Both were secretly goaded by mysterious and superstitious apprehensions, that were powerfully aided by the more real and intelligible aspect of the night; but neither had so far for gotten his manhood, and his professional pride, as to lay bare the full extent of his own weakness, at a moment when he was liable to be called upon for the exhibition of qualities of a far more positive and determined character.

They merely "pick out the thorns" and "lay bare the bones" of previous systems, using newfangled terms and misty arguments with a "vainglorious parade".

They then formed a plan to cut down the trees and lay bare the whole place so that they might approach the town with boldness and safety.

So wonderful are Browning's resources in casuistry, and so cunningly does he ravel the intricate motives at play in this tragedy and lay bare the secrets of the heart, that the interest increases at each repetition of the tale.

It is possible that Thackeray was her model, as his lecture was first delivered in 1851 or 1852; but, at least, she is not at all his inferior in power to lay bare the character and tendencies of the men she selected for analysis.

The Foreboding 1 What man may lay bare the soul of England as it was stirred during those days of July when suddenly, without any previous warning, loud enough to reach the ears of the mass of people, there came the menace of a great, bloody war, threatening all that had seemed so safe and so certain in our daily life?

Yet it costs me something to lay bare even before such a friend my madness,weak points,and put into his hands my whole fate, instead of fighting it out by myself.

And ask'st thou what Unto the sacrilegious gaze lay bare?

Not in the spirit of a barren cynicism does Christ lay bare the ghastly wound of our nature, but as a noble physician who can purge the mortal virus which destroys us.

One by one the split saplings were pried up and carried out for firewood, until the earth floor lay bare.

Her golden hair o'erspread her face, Her careless arms abroad were cast, Her quiver had her pillow's place, Her breast lay bare to every blast.

Madam Corelli, giving way to her fiery passions, vented her disappointment in passionate reproaches of the deceased; the only effect of which was to lay bare still more clearly than before her own cupidity and folly, and to increase Edith's painful agitation.

118 examples of  lay bare  in sentences