1358 examples of lazy in sentences

A few professional jockeys represent the stables of breeders who are too old or too fat or too lazy to ride themselves, but it is considered the proper thing for every true sportsman to ride his own horse as long as he is under weight.

Caelius is no idle scamp or lazy Epicurean; his mind is constantly active: nothing escapes his notice: the minutest and most sordid things delight him.

Think you, sir, from this language that Paul was a slaveholderand, that his example was such, as to keep lazy, luxurious slaveholders in countenance?

a fine excuse for lazy women, Who cry nightmare with lying on their backs.

It is not particularly good for Yussuf to get rich; it will make him lazy, as most of you are.

Rouse from this lazy dream of fortuitous riches, which, if obtained, you could scarcely have enjoyed, because they could confer no consciousness of desert; return to rational and manly industry, and consider the mere gift of luck as below the care of a wise man.

It is always an ignorant, lazy, or cowardly acquiescence in a false appearance of excellence, and proceeds not from consciousness of our attainments, but insensibility of our wants.

I should have said first of all that he is lazy, but that is not to be disputed.

Song followed song, English and French, and when the lazy current pulsated again

As about Tahiti, a silver belt of reef took the rough caresses of the lazy rollers, and let the glistening surf break gently on the beach.

It is more fascinating in its sensuous, tropical setting, its strange foods, and its laughing, lazy crowds of handsome people, than any other public mart I know.

Were we a few degrees more southward, I would show you landscapes of rock and mountainof bays, and hillsides sprinkled with verdureof tumbling whales, and lazy fishermen, and distant cottages, and lagging sailssuch as would make a figure even in pages that the bright eye of lady might love to read.

or, in what service did he learn his trade?" "Ay, ay," continued another sinister voice, "where is the Bristol trader he was to lead into our net, and for which we lost so many of the best days in the season, at a lazy anchor?"

"I wish I had some good friends, to help me on in life!" cried lazy Dennis, with a yawn.

The only book I expect to write this winter is to you; I am dreadfully lazy since you left, and don't do anything but haze about.

It took you a good while to answer my last letter, and I have been equally lazy about writing since yours strayed this way.

"While every thing is left to lazy negroes, a state will never be well cultivated.

They simply termed them a lazy lot of sneaking creatures, fed them, and thought no more of the matter.

Harold looked so comfortable and lazy that I longed to test how far he meant the offer he had made me.

The ablest people are so lazy.

But, for the rest, the monsters waited motionless in the sunlight, their state-cloths, hung as from the old barges, from stem to stern, as motionless as themselves, except when now and again the summer breeze stirred from the south-west, lifting the lazy streamers, wafting softly the heavy embroideries, and stirring, even as the wind stirs the wheat, the glittering giants that waited to do their Lord honour.

But the voice was much like hersthe same low and lazy loveliness in the formation of certain words.

"And thenI'd likely get married, and raise a bunch uh boys to carry on the business when I got old and fat, and too damn' lazy to ride off a walk.

The town of Monterey is interesting only for its ruins of ancient monasteries and convents, where a few lazy half-breeds alone remain to tell the tale of multitudes over whom the Catholic priests reigned supreme, reducing their dupes to beggary by their extortions.

Our great, lazy boat, propelled by a stern wheel as big as a barn, paddled slowly over the muddy waters of the great Sacramento River, made yellow by the turbid waters sent to it from scores of hydraulic mines on the mountains.

1358 examples of  lazy  in sentences