123 examples of leaky in sentences

Woman is a leaky Vessel.if she should like the young Rogue now, and they should come to a right understandingwhy, then I am aWittalthat's all, and shall be put in Print at Snow-hill, with my Effigies o'th' top, like the sign of Cuckolds Haven.

Many of the tales in this book were told me by one Paddy Flynn, a little bright-eyed old man, who lived in a leaky and one-roomed cabin in the village of Ballisodare, which is, he was wont to say, "the most gentle"whereby he meant faery"place in the whole of County Sligo.

It is singular, but it comes with as little surprise as if I had a remedy ready, yet God knows I am at sea in the dark, and the vessel leaky.

Jack will take his pleasure ashore,you can't help that; and perhaps so would you, Sir, after six months of "old horse" and stony biscuit, with a leaky forecastle and a shorthanded crew.

The boats contained eleven men each; were leaky, and night coming on, they were obliged to bail them all night to keep them from sinking!

The grannés would be sent for to replace these, would condemn the whole roof as leaky, and the tiles as old and unfit for use, and would provide a job for himself and the tile-maker, the nefarious profits of which they would share together.

The only one that lay loose, and at liberty, was an old leaky scow which was so unfit that no one thought of using it.

And then came the thought that the old, leaky scow was no longer on the strand.

About 4 o'clock she came up with the vessel, which proved to be a Spanish brig, Paquette de Bilboa, laden with a general cargo, and bound from Hamburg to Cadiz, leaky, and both pumps at work.

At this time they became aware that the boilers were becoming more and more leaky as they proceeded.

"They are taking her because she is such a good boat; no use having a leaky old tub for such work.

The Hon. Company's ship, Cabalva, having struck on the Owers, in the English Channel, and from that circumstance, proving leaky, and manifesting great weakness in her frame, it was thought advisable to bear up for Bombay in order to dock the ship.

" There was only one room to the shack, which was of mud, with thick walls and a leaky roof.

Here under sheets of leaky awning, were exposed for sale rows of gilded gingerbread kings and queens, and I cannot remember how many men and women held me fast by the arms, determined to force me into buying a pound of them.

Like leaky sieves, no secrets we can hold: Witness the famous tale that Ovid told.

He is said to have cast the eyes of ambitious affection on the Lady Anne (afterwards queen), daughter of the Duke of York; at which presumption Charles was so much offended, that when Mulgrave went to relieve Tangier in 1680, he is said to have been appointed to a leaky and frail vessel, in hopes that he might perish; an injury which he resented so highly, as not to permit the king's health to be drunk at his table till the voyage was over.

The other three holds were hopelessly leaky.

In the two foremost holds 2,000 large casks were then placed, and all the hatches over the leaky holdsNos. 1, 2, and 4were battened down, and made airtight with felt, pitch, tow, etc.

The leaky locker was tightly closed, so that there was no danger of the boat filling from it.

69. 'Th' inquisitive will blab; from such refrain: Their leaky ears no secret can retain.

A frail and leaky shell.

He knew best what was fit to be done, and therefore continued the eastern course till we came to Porto Bello, where we were forced to leave the Biscaina, as she had become so leaky and worm-eaten that she could be no longer kept above water.

We came here to anchor about ten leagues from the coast of Cuba, full of trouble and perplexity; our men had now nothing to eat but biscuit, with some little oil and vinegar, and our ships were so worm-eaten and leaky, as to keep the people labouring at the pumps day and night.

The ships were now so worm-eaten and leaky that we never ceased working day and night at all the three pumps in both ships; and when any of the pumps gave way, we were forced to supply the deficiency while it was mending by bailing out the water in buckets and kettles.

To get rid of the second prince, Sibich induced him to enter a leaky vessel, which sank as soon as he was out at sea.

123 examples of  leaky  in sentences