6598 examples of leaps in sentences

The feet grow benumbed at last, powerless to hold on any longer, and the lynx tumbles off into the wolves' jaws; or else, knowing the danger, he leaps for the nearest wolf and dies fighting.

His eyes start from his head; his jaws open; he rolls on the grass; leaps in the air; puts forth the strength of a giant, but in vain.

The South Sea Company had taken over the National Debt, on terms, and its stock, carefully manipulated, rose by leaps and bounds.

My lord, I would not have you proceed by leaps and starts, like these half-fledged statesmen.

and weep awhile; and then with outspread arms leaps laughing forth and clasps and kisses it and wipes its eyes.

Ibarra's escape had been effected by Elias, who conveys him in a banka up the Pasig to the Lake, where they are so closely beset by the Civil Guard that Elias leaps into the water and draws the pursuers away from the boat, in which Ibarra lies concealed.

Jeremy Taylor notices with admiration, the extraordinary leaps which people will take under the influence of fear.

In an even darker doom Tapioca's greatness ended, For her father to the tomb By swift leaps and bounds descended; Xingalong and Timbalu Both were slaughtered by Hupu, Who was slain by Popocotl, Who himself soon after slew With an empty whisky bottle.

A great career, perhaps, perhaps only some one signal act, an act typical of a whole unknown life, leaps to light and justifies the claim the young face made upon your sympathy.

When liberated from its fetters, it remained lying on the ground with all its four limbs stretched out, and its belly in contact with the earth, and then hopped in short awkward leaps, without thereby raising itself from the ground, to the nearest wall, which was of planed boards.

During the day the mago was sleepy, short-sighted, and, when disturbed, morose; but with the decreasing daylight he expanded his pupils, and moved about in a lively and agile manner, with rapid noiseless leaps, generally sideways.

Young Nimrod was kindly obliging his side of the table with extraordinary leaps of his hunter, the perfect working of his new double-barrelled Manton, &c., bringing of course number one in as the hero in each case.

Hog-deer were very numerous; they are not as a rule easily disturbed; they are of a reddish brown colour, not unlike that of the Scotch red deer, and rush through the jungle, when alarmed, with a succession of bounding leaps; they make very pretty shooting, and when young, afford tender

How my heart leaps up To think of that grand living after death In beast and bird and flower, when this cup, Being filled too full of spirit, bursts for breath, And with the pale leaves of some autumn day, The soul, earth's earliest conqueror, becomes earth's last great prey.

A] her fayre leaps And out-lying, and will discover all, and will dishonour her.

Thirteen lines ending laugh, King, by, fellowes, mirth, me, more, leaps, her, eighteene, when, madness, height.

A great gladness leaped up into his face, and died as the blaze of a fire leaps up and expires.

Peggy, without shoes, was a panther on two legs, and her mind, like her body, was capable of enormous leaps.

An inarticulate growl was the only response, and Joel took the stairs at leaps and bounds, and nearly upset Mrs. Cowles in the lower hall.

The squirrel leaps among the boughs, And chatters in his leafy house.

How his heart leaps as he turns the well-known corner!

Young and fresh, From the clouds he danceth Down upon the marble rocks; Then tow'rd heaven Leaps exulting.

He has been short in his leaps and bad in his tumbling lately, missed his tip several times, too.

Damer: You to set all you own upon a horse that might fail at the leaps!

Damer: The same year my luck turned against me, and every horse I would back would get the staggers on the course, or would fail to rise at the leaps.

6598 examples of  leaps  in sentences