87 examples of leastways in sentences

Leastways, it's likelier.

"Leastways I heard he was.

Andy's got religion, I reckon; leastways he ain't the same kind o' a feller he was," declared Pet.

My singin' would wake the dead,leastways so Prudence says, an' she's generally right, leastways, if she ain't, she's a uncommon good cook, an' that goes a long way wi' most of us.

My singin' would wake the dead,leastways so Prudence says, an' she's generally right, leastways, if she ain't, she's a uncommon good cook, an' that goes a long way wi' most of us.

"I mean, young master wi' your golden curls,I mean as, sitting here day in, and day out, staring down into my fire, I has my dreams,leastways, I calls 'em my dreams, though there's them as calls it the 'second sight.'

Leastways, he did.

'Leastways, not to 'er.

Leastways, he would 'ave kicked 'im, but the chap was too quick for 'im.

Leastways, he did.

Leastways, I'd stay by yer truck here till somebody come to look it up.

"Leastways, I don't.

Blowing a gale and all.... Leastways, you might have waved a hand.

Leastways, that wasn't the pollersy when I used to be with you.

Leastways, not on this earth.

I didn't keep company with her, though,leastways, not reg'lar: I was afeard my father 'd find it out, an' I knowed what he 'd say to it.

Leastways, they carried her down there.

"Dave wuz one er dese yer men w'at did n' keer much fer de gals,leastways he did n' 'tel Dilsey come ter de plantation.

Dey 's mo' ways 'n one ter skin a cat, en dey's mo' d'n one way ter git in a smoke-'ouse,leastways dat's w'at I hearn say.

I don't never 'member him whippin' one o' de slaves, leastways not real whippin's.

"Us slaves didn' pay no 'tention to who owned us, leastways de young ones didn'.

"Leastways, one of us'll keep with you, Sam.

Large grey eyes like a child's, leastways sometimes they are grey and sometimes they are blue.

Leastways that's the opinion of your humble servant and admirer, A TAX-PAYING LANDLUBBER.

Oh, it was the old Lady of Threadneedle Street, And she held up her Stocking (ne'er used for her feet), And she ups, and says she, "I've an excellent notion; Leastways, 'tis one borrowed from COHEN by GOSCHEN; Which nobody can deny!

87 examples of  leastways  in sentences