55 examples of ledyard in sentences

Ledyard, in his Travels, speaks thus contemptuously of this celebrated wonder:"This is the mighty, the sovereign of riversthe vast Nile that has been metamorphosed into one of the wonders of the world!

Ledyard's Travels.


The voyage being finished, the only profit yielded by it to Ledyard was a little experience in the hardships of a sailor's life, as his scanty funds were soon exhausted and poverty stared him in the face.

But poverty and privation were trifles of little weight with Ledyard; his pride was aroused, and he determined to do something that should exonerate him from all dependence on his American friends.

Ledyard's first object, after arriving in the metropolis, was to find out his rich relations, in which he was so far successful as to discover the residence of a wealthy merchant of the same name, to whose house he hastened.

The next capacity in which we find Ledyard is that of a corporal of marines, on board the ship of Captain Cook, then preparing for his third and last voyage round the world.

The late Admiral Burney, who served as a lieutenant on the voyage, says that, "with an ardent disposition, Ledyard had a passion for lofty sentiment and description."

Jones, it seems, was so much taken with the plausibility of a scheme, which presented at once the prospect of adventure, fame, and profit, that he advanced money to Ledyard to purchase a part of the cargo for the outfit; but, being suddenly called away to L'Orient, to look after his prize concerns, his zeal for this grand scheme began to cool, and, in a few months, the whole fabric fell to the ground.

" While in this state of penury he received a visit, the object of which was so creditable to a gentleman still living, and not unknown in the annals of science, that it gives us pleasure to print the story in Ledyard's own words: "Permit me to relate to you an incident.

" Ledyard observes, that he had no more idea of receiving money from this gentleman than from Tippoo Saib.

The empress of Russia was applied to for her permission and protection, but while waiting for her answer Ledyard received an invitation to London from his eccentric friend, Sir James Hall.

This man, thought Ledyard to himself, is just suited to be the companion of my travels.

Being on his journey to Irkutsk, he invited Ledyard to accompany him thither.

Ledyard, the traveller, Memoir of, 110, 125.

By Frederick William Farrar Crosby, Howard, The Prepared Worm Cuyler, Theodore Ledyard, The Value of Life Dale, Robert William, The Argument from Experience Day, A, in the Life of Jesus of Nazareth, By Francis Wayland Dawson, William James, Christ Among the Common Things of Life Death, Glorification Through.

By Theodore Ledyard Cuyler Liberty only in Truth.


SEE Rodgers, William Ledyard.

By G. Ledyard Stebbins,

G. Ledyard Stebbins, Jr. (A); 9Sep77; R671210.

SEE Rodgers, William Ledyard.

By G. Ledyard Stebbins,

G. Ledyard Stebbins, Jr. (A); 9Sep77; R671210.

Mrs. S.C. Robbins 4.50 Ledyard.

55 examples of  ledyard  in sentences