173 examples of leetle in sentences

"Poor leetle Angy," broke in the gentle Miss Ellie pityingly.

"Abe, yew made a mistake when yew picked out Bl" "Poor leetle Mother!"

A leetle vacation, a change of air.

An' ef I had that pesky leetle banty rooster of a doctor here, I'd kick him all the way deown-stairs.

"Let's adopt some leetle folks," said Angy, half in a whisper.

"And a leetle Engleesh, tooa ve-ry leetle," she smiled.

"And a leetle Engleesh, tooa ve-ry leetle," she smiled.

Then the German said slowly: "I am nod rich; but efery year I send a leetle money to Stuttgart to put some flowers on Herr Gabert's grave.

"Have you decided to accept my offer, Mr. Jackson?" "Waal, I'll have to take a leetle time to consider.

"Perhaps we might have lived a leetle more economically, but I don't think we've been extravagant.

She sat up late that night, engaged in compromising with her prejudices, by drawing out the whalebones, one by one, from the "Alboni," shaving them down with a piece of glass, very thin, and tucking them,until all their loud defiance was subdued, and for Miss Wimple's Hoop it might be tenderly deprecated that it was nothing to speak of, "such a leetle one.

"Leetle Bobby!"

Leetle Bobby looks so queer!

I was ready to do any common piece of business, but this stealin' away little gals from lovin' mothers was a leetle too much for me.

I don' wan' her kunjerin' me, an' she'd do dat as quick as winkin' ef de batter bread's a leetle burned, or dar's too much salt in de soup.

If our poor Wal'r was here, my Lady Lassor if he could befor he's drowned, a'n't he?As I was saying, if he could be here, he'd beg and pray of you, my precious, to pick a leetle bit, with a look-out for your own sweet health.

You have gone a leetle too far.

Come, gentlemen, come, let us take a leetle quelque-chose.

I can't kill a drownin' man, but blamed ef I gin him a leetle finger of help.

"'They ain't up exactly,' says I, 'but it looked as if they were a leetle on the rise, and being as I had a lady to look out for, I thought I'd play safe.'

I was intendin' to take the railroad for Tioga County, and play off a leetle surprise on Gusty, and her relations up there.

'Pears to me this rock's a leetle harder'n a common deck plank.

remonstrated Smith, "ain't you pannin' me out a leetle too fine?

Repeatedly, before it could be finally adjusted to her satisfaction, was the delicate fabric of her coiffure moved with cautious care and dainty touch a leetle backwarder or a leetle forwarder over her sun-browned brow.

Repeatedly, before it could be finally adjusted to her satisfaction, was the delicate fabric of her coiffure moved with cautious care and dainty touch a leetle backwarder or a leetle forwarder over her sun-browned brow.

173 examples of  leetle  in sentences