Do we say leftover or left over

leftover 1 occurrences

Having arrived, some one scratches a match, shields it with his hand (I see yet the sudden fitful illumination of the brown-bearded, watchful faces of my neighbours!) and Baxter guides us into the schoolhousewith its shut-in dusty odours of chalk and varnished desks andyes, leftover lunches!

left over 121 occurrences

There's barely enough left over to keep up the sham of dividends.

"They must have dried fish, too, left over from the summer," said Mac. Nicholas agreed.

Miss Lydia had sent down a rose-bowl of flowers; and the girls, being encouraged to use their own taste, put up some flags left over from last Fourth of July.

Unfinished topics, left over from the first ride, presented themselves now to be completed.

She understands Crow, of courseit's left over from her last re-incarnation.

There wasn't a scrap of goods left over, either.

There is still enough water left over the side to pitch you into without breaking your dirty neck.

The vegetarian housewife cannot do better than prepare a large plain pudding on the Saturday, boil it for two hours, put it away in its basin, and boil it two hours again on Monday; with what is left over from Sunday, this will probably be sufficient for Monday's dinner.

Adj. remaining, left; left behind left over; residual, residuary; over, odd; unconsumed, sedimentary; surviving; net; exceeding, over and above; outlying, outstanding; cast off &c 782; superfluous &c (redundant) 641. 40a.

He had no right to visit his spleen on a perfectly innocent bank that paid twenty-five per cent to its shareholders and a thousand a year each to its directors, and what trifle was left over to its men in rages.

If anything is left over, send it to the proprietor of the new penny paper that is struggling to keep its head above water.

A good many meals are nothing but coffee and stale cakes left over, but it keeps them alive, and gives the children a delicate, sort of refined appearance.

Gives me all I need and plenty left over.

"Why, when Jahveh created man on the morning of the sixth day, he set about fashioning me that afternoon from the clay which was left over.

To his intense astonishment, he found, in October, that the yield was between two and three hundred bushels to the acre, and that his land and fencing were paid for, with a balance left over for next year.

If it is not fully subscribed, they will get all that they have asked for, and the balance left over will be taken up in most cases by a syndicate formed by the bank or firm that issued the loan, to "underwrite" it.

Further, the actual capital held by the shareholders is generally divided into two classes, preference and ordinary, of which the preference take a fixed rate before the ordinary shareholders get anything, and the ordinary shareholders take the whole of any balance left over.

"Trouble enough fer all hands and some left over fer the cat!

Bearing to the left over a high, barren range of rocky mountains, and down into a plain of sand, sage brush, and cactus.

LEFT-OVER MILK.Small quantities of unsterilized milk or cream left over should always be carefully scalded, then cooled at once to a temperature of 60,° and put in a cool place, in order to keep it sweet and fresh until the next meal.

The bread and meat left over from the meals of the day were always left convenient for the boys.

LEFT-OVER CEREALS Oatmeal, hominy, cracked wheat, and other cereals which are left over can be added next day to the fresh stock, for they are improved by long boiling and do not injure the new supply, or such as is left can be molded in large or in small forms, and served cold with cream, or milk and sugar.

When yolks are left over use for making mayonnaise.

To be eaten warm, whatever is left over can be steamed again or toasted.

It is assumed that the squash has been prepared as a vegetable, with seasoning and a little butter, and what is here used is a cold, left over portion of the same.

Do we say   leftover   or  left over