3418 examples of legend in sentences

Martin Hewitt was interested to observe the legend, "H. Danby, Contractor," on a board over a gate in the side wall of the garden behind this house.

And the stories I have given of him, called as he now is, "the Goban Saor," show that he has fallen still farther in legend from his high origin.

As to O'Connell, perhaps because his name, like that of Finn and the Goban, is much in the mouths of the people, there is something of the absurd already coming into his legend.

I have charged my son, and should I live till he comes to sensible years, I will charge my grandson, to keep their ears open to the growth of legend about him who was once my husband's friendly enemy, and afterwards his honoured friend.

But the experiment has not been made as yet, and we prefer to believe in the legend.

This manso the legend runsis on the lookout for unusual personalities.

The legend ran that Wyanota's family was descended from the offspring of this marriage, and I think Wyn more than half believed the story.

It seemed more like a legend of past ages, when ignorance and passion led men to murder and destroy, than an event which the last half century witnessed.

The legend says the body swam for some time on the river, with five stars around its head.

We learned afterwards the legend concerning it.

It is a singular legend, and whoever may have placed the limb there originally, there it has remained for two or three hundred years at least.

The legend says that Charlemagne and his warriors sit in its subterraneous caverns in complete armor, and that they will arise and come forth again, when Germany recovers her former power and glory.

Oh that a preacher might arise and expound from the Book of books a religion with a God, a religion with a heart in ita Christian religion, which would abolish the cold legend whose centre is respectability, and which rears great buildings in which the rich recline on silken hassocks while the poor perish in the shadow thereof.

Her artistic conceptions are more fully developed in some of these poems than in any of her novels, especially in "Armgart" and "The Legend of Jubal."

The same artistic conception pervades "The Legend of Jubal."

It is interesting to note that she introduces music into "The Legend of Jubal" and "Armgart".

Charlotte, indeed, could not well have written a book more destructive to the legend of the upheaval, the tragic passion, the furnace of temptation and the flight.

And the placing of those four poems in the obscure Gondal legend would have nothing but "a bibliographical interest" were it not that, when placed there, they show at once the main track of the legend.

And the placing of those four poems in the obscure Gondal legend would have nothing but "a bibliographical interest" were it not that, when placed there, they show at once the main track of the legend.

SEE A Middle Low German Alexander legend.

Padraic Colum (Wr); 19Dec63; R328082. <pb id='293.png' /> Meager legend.

SEE Colum, Mary M. Meager legend.

The legend of the Christmas rose.

PINOCCHIO, a musical legend.

Roots, their place in life and legend.

3418 examples of  legend  in sentences