254 examples of lemonade in sentences

As the plane's doors closed behind Shakespeare, the flight attendant brought Graham a refreshing glass of lemonade.

We need not inform our readers that carbonic acid gas is the source of the effervescence, whether in common water coming from a depth, or in lemonade, or any aërated drink.

The lemonade will be much improved by having the white of an egg beaten up in it; a little sherry mixed with it, also, makes this beverage much nicer.


Sufficient to make 1 pint of lemonade.


Sufficient to make 2-1/2 pints of lemonade.

Besides the articles enumerated in the bill of fare, biscuits and wafers will be required, cream-and-water ices, tea, coffee, wines, liqueurs, soda-water, ginger-beer, and lemonade.

Beverages.3 dozen quart bottles of ale, packed in hampers; ginger-beer, soda-water, and lemonade, of each 2 dozen bottles; 6 bottles of sherry, 6 bottles of claret, champagne à discrétion, and any other light wine that may be preferred, and 2 bottles of brandy.

That boy was a genius, and we kept him and put him into the lemonade privilege.

No, I won't take any more lemonade; it's the most notorious stuff I ever drank, saw!" M. St.-Ange's replies were in falsetto and not without effect; for presently the parson's indignation and anger began to melt.

On the window seat were placed a goblet half filled with lemonade, a small Bible, a book that had the outward appearance of being a Sunday-school library book, and a copy in blue and gold of the poems of Mrs. Hemans.

"Fannie, you go right home, and let your mother give you a good drink of hot lemonade with whiskey in it.

" "Good-nightget to bed, and don't forget the hot lemonade!"

A long ride or sail; swings, music, cakes, pies, fruit, lemonade, and a vast variety of "good things," must be had, or else the Sabbath school children do not have "a good time!"

During the heat of the memorable battles with Count de Grasse, of April 9th and 12th, 1782, the gallant Rodney desired his young aid-de-camp (Mr. Charles Dashwood) to make him a glass of lemonade, the ingredients for which were at hand.

"Go and get yourself 'arf a pint o' warm lemonade," chimed in the voice of the daring Joseph.

After some days of wretchedness I became delirious, and, of course, lost consciousness; my last recollection was of Andreas wetting my parched lips with lemonade.

Diluted with two thirds cold water, it forms a delicious and quickly prepared lemonade.

PLAIN LEMONADE.For one glass of lemonade squeeze the juice of half a small lemon into the glass; carefully remove all seeds and particles.

I wuz beat out when I got home and Miss Huff sent Aunt Pheeny up to my room with a glass of hot lemonade and some crackers, supper not bein' quite ready owin' to shiftless works in the kitchen.

Itinerant venders of cakes, lemonade, cocoa, chickweed, allumettes, pincushions, six-bladed penknives, and never-pointed pencils filled the air with their cries, and made both day and night hideous.

After the dense atmosphere of the clothes-market, it is a relief to emerge upon the Boulevart du Templethe noisy, feverish, crowded Boulevart du Temple, with its half dozen theatres, its glare of gas, its cake-sellers, bill-sellers, lemonade-sellers, cabs, cafés, gendarmes, tumblers, grisettes, and pleasure-seekers of both sexes.

In the meantime, almost distracted by the patronage that assails him in every direction, the lemonade-vendor strides hither and thither, supplying floods of nectar at two centimes the glass; while the audience, skilled in the combination of enjoyments, eats, drinks, and vociferates to its heart's content.

The viands disappear; the lemonade-seller vanishes; the boys outside the gallery-rails clamber back to their places.

254 examples of  lemonade  in sentences