21563 examples of les in sentences

The native taciturnity of the English, increased by the social discipline of that well-orderedperhaps over-orderednation, has won them as many battles on the ocean, as the native loquacity of their enemiesincreased possibly during the reign of les citoyens by political exaggerationhas lost.

She had vistas of life she had not dreamed to be truemisery she had thought confined to novels, to books like Les Misérables.

Molière, Les Précieuses Ridicules (1659).

"Célimène" in Molière's Les Précieuses Ridicules is a mere dummy.

CHICANEAU (She'.ka.no'), a litigious tradesman in Les Plaideurs, by Racine, (1668).

Molière, Les Femmes Savantes (1672).

CLA'RA, in Otway's comedy called The Cheats of Scapin, an English version of Les Fourberies de Scapin, by Molière, represents the French character called "Hyacinthe."

Molière, Les Femmes Savantes (1672).

Les., p. 82; Analyt. and Pract.


The volume is Les Chats, the book before us, and the portrait is that of the author, the amiable and amusing Augustin Paradis de Moncrif.

Much better than these is the sonnet on the cat of the Duchess of Lesdiguières, with its admirable line: Chatte pour tout le monde, et pour les chats tigresse.

This leads me to speak of the illustrations to Les Chats, which greatly add to its value.

Byron mocked aloud, and, worse than all, the young men from whom so much had been expected, les jeunes feroces, leaped on the poor uncomplaining Ass like so many hunting-leopards.

Les beaux soirs de l'Iran. SEE Zavie, Emile.

Nos amis les betes.

(Les Amis des cahiers verts, 6)

Les diamants de la lune.

ARRIGON, LOUIS. Les exploits d'Hispano, chien terre-neuve.

Felix chez les sauvages.

(Les Editions phonographiques)

Emile et les detectives.

Les demoiselles de Concarneau.

Quitard adds the following explanation of the proverb:"Dieu proportionne à nos forces les afflictions qu'il nous envoie."

I have also found this proverb in Furetière's Dictionnaire universal de tous les Mots français, &c. 4 vols.

21563 examples of  les  in sentences