48325 examples of lettered in sentences

Neatly lettered on the inside, in the fine and slightly angular writing characteristic of the Teutonic scholar, was the legend: Karl Augustus Schermerhorn, 1409-1/2 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

| We will Mail Free | | | | A COVER | | | | Lettered and Stamped, with New Title-Page, |

In this catalogue of books which are no booksbiblia a-bibliaI reckon Court Calendars, Directories, Pocket Books, Draught Boards bound and lettered at the back, Scientific Treatises, Almanacks, Statutes at Large; the works of Hume, Gibbon, Robertson, Beattie, Soame Jenyns, and, generally, all those volumes which "no gentleman's library should be without:" the Histories of Flavins Josephus (that learned Jew), and Paley's Moral Philosophy.

Lettered he was not; his reading scarcely exceeded the Obituary of the old Gentleman's Magazine, to which he has never failed of having recourse for these last fifty years.

Can I forget the erudite look with which, having tried to puzzle out the text of a Black lettered Chaucer in your Corporation Library, to which he was a sort of Librarian, he gave it up with this consolatory reflection"Jemmy," said he, "I do not know what you find in these very old books, but I observe, there is a deal of very indifferent spelling in them."

" VI SEPTEMBER The office of Dwight Herbert Deacon, Dentist, Gold Work a Speciality (sic) in black lettering, and Justice of the Peace in gold, was above a store which had been occupied by one unlucky tenant after another, and had suffered long periods of vacancy when ladies' aid societies served lunches there, under great white signs, badly lettered.

| We will Mail Free | | | | A COVER, | | | | Lettered and Stamped, with New Title-Page, |

Curs'd be our thoughts, whene'er they dream of hope, Bann'd be those haps, that henceforth flatter us, When mischief dogs us still and still for ay, From our first birth until our burying day: In our first gamesome age, our doting sires Carked and cared to have us lettered, Sent us to Cambridge, where our oil is spent; Us our kind college from the teat did tear,[108]

Of this he wrote "Forego the dreams of lettered ease, Put thou the scholar's promise by; The rights of man are more than these.

"Go," replied he instantly, "to alcove twenty-four, shelf one hundred and thirteen, of the College Library at Cambridge, and you will find the information you need in a thick quarto, bound in vellum, and lettered 'Potgiesser de Statu Servorum.'"

| We will Mail Free | | | | A COVER, | | | | Lettered and Stamped, with New Title-Page, |

It was a big sheet of paper, and on it was skillfully lettered these words: "'Bruce Browning will wear a new set of false teeth to chapel to-morrow morning.'

One crowd of freshmen had a big banner, on which was lettered: "'Umpty-eight, she is great, She will win sure as fate.

They did not row in the buff, as the weather was too cold, but all wore thin white shirts, with "'Umpty-eight" lettered in blue on the breast.

The little inn at Lorette was then kept by a worthy host bearing the above-mentioned name, which was dingily lettered out upon a swinging sign, dingily representing a trotting horse,emblem as dear to the slow Canadian as to the fast American mind.

She bent over it, drawn by the lettered squares along the wavy shore line and the marked waters of creeks she knew.

Each camp was lettered in with pencil.

In Washington the streets running in one direction are lettered A, B, C, etc., and the cross streets are numbered; and upon the checkerboard plan is superposed another plan in which broad avenues radiate in various directions from the Capitol, and a few other centres.

Briefly, it is this: The Provençal language, the "langue d'oc," was, of course, once the courtly and lettered language of Europe, the language of the great troubadours, and through them the vehicle of the culture and refinement of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.

Hand lettered by Howard Gag.

Hand lettered by Howard Gag.

At the expiration of thirty-six blameless hours he perceived that he was looking through a glass darkly, in the Business Man's Club, intently regarding a neatly-lettered placard which ambiguously advised all concerned in this wise: IF DRINKING INTERFERES WITH YOUR BUSINESS, STOP IT.

How many thousands of all lands where the English language is spoken will come and stand here in mute and pensive communion before the iron gate of this family tomb and look through the bars upon this group of simply-lettered stones!

Also there was sent to my quarters a new banner for my following, broidered and blazoned in yellow and blue, a saddle-cloth of silk for my horse, fine as a woman's robe, with a crowned Y faint and small in the corner, lettered in straw-colored gold.

Also a written averment of Patrick Mullins of Dublin, that he had lettered the stone at the head of the grave of Charles Gosford in Swords burying-ground in 1832, and that its date was, as stated by Pierce Cunningham, June 23, 1832.

48325 examples of  lettered  in sentences