48325 examples of letters in sentences

Becquerel, the Curies, Rutherfordthey were playing with the letters of the Greek alphabet, Alphas, Gammas, and Rhos, while the simple, gentle old boy that I served had read the secret.

Yet, in the private letters of Dickens, the simple "C. D." is very frequent; a few examples of it are given in this article, and their present number in no way represents the numerical relation of these simple signatures to the more "showy" ones.

He was certainly a very able man of business, and the wording of his "business" letters fully bears out the idea conveyed by his "business" signatureso to speakthat Dickens was fully aware of his own powers, and that, quite fairly, he did not omit to impress the fact upon other people when he thought fit.

Both the wording and the signature of many of his private letters are simple and unostentatious to a high degree.

No. 21 is a stray illustration of clever and gracefully-executed movements which abound in Dickens's letters.

The stimulus of facing an appreciative audience would spur him on time after time, and then, late at night, he would write affectionate letters giving details of "the house," etc., but which are painful to see if one notices the constant droop of the words and of the lines across the page.

Considerations of space and of the avoidance of technicalities have prevented a really full account of the written gesture of Charles Dickens; scanty as the foregoing account is, the illustrations it contains could not have been supplied by any one collector of Charles Dickens's letters.

I express my sincere gratitude to the many persons who have enabled me to give these illustrations, and only regret that one collector refused my request for the loan of some very early and interesting letters.

Almost at each step the father received congratulations, while complimentary letters and cards covered his table to overflowing.

In one of her letters to a friend she tells about some of her work: Four are at my feet listening.

It is against modesty that one man should summon all the letters.

The surgeon's name is set up in modest letters, but the horse below flames with color.

8. (Do not read this assignment until you have composed the night letters and telegrams called for in 6 and 7.)

You must step aside from your way for the sake of a new acquaintance; in conversations, in sermons, in addresses, in letters, in journalistic columns, in standard literature you must grasp the stranger by the hand and look him straight in the eye.

Two little birds, a flower, and, in small school-girl letters, a date,17...no matter.

In earth's broad temple where we stand, Fanned by the eastern gales that brought us, We hold the missal in our hand, Bright with the lines our Mother taught us; Where'er its blazoned page betrays The glistening links of gilded fetters, Behold, the half-turned leaf displays Her rubric stained in crimson letters!

He happened to mention letters he had received from his relatives in Berlin and at the front, and when I expressed a wish to hear them, kindly asked whether he should translate them or read them in German as they stood.

Some of the letters were from women folk and told of war conditions in the capital.

On her bookshelf stood her few choice books; the last she read were, The Earth's Formation on Dynamical Principles, by A.J. Ritchie, Goodwin's Works, The Life and Letters of Rev. W. Pennefather, The Upward Gaze by her friend Agnes Giberne, and books by Rev. G. Everard.

For should your letters of reprisal seal, These men write that which no man else would steal.

The fops are proud of scandal, for they cry, At every lewd, low character,That's I. He who writes letters to himself would swear, The world forgot him, if he was not there.

Across the road high up mysterious letters flamed and went, that might, could he have read them, have measured for him the dimensions of human interest, have told him of the fundamental needs and features of life as the little folks conceived it.

After that there was nothing for it but Tupper again, in naming crimson letters, snap, snap, across the void.

The back of his mind was a black curtain, and on that curtain there came and went a worda word written in letters of fire.

All this booty the tireless Knight of Letters had conquered by means of his verse.

48325 examples of  letters  in sentences