15 examples of leud in sentences

NoHe's no Country-Squire, Gentlemen, will not game, whore; nay, in my Conscience, you will hardly get your selves drunk in his CompanyHe treats A-la-mode, half Wine, half Water, and the restBut to the Business, this Fellow loves his Sister dearly, and will not trust her in this leud Town, as he calls it, without him; and hither he has brought her to marry me.

Faith, I was coming to pay my Respects and Services, and the restThou know'st my meaningThe old Business of the Silver-World, Ned; by Fortune, it's a mad Age we live in, Ned; and here be so manywicked Rogues, about this damn'd leud Town, that, 'faith, I am fain to speak in the vulgar modish Style, in my own Defence, and railly Matrimony and the rest.

And art thou sure she will be leud?

Even those of your Father's Disposal, who seeing so many Examples in this leud Age, of the ruin of whole Families by imprudent Marriages, provided otherwise for you.

How, how! Bel, Above an Hourhark ye, KnightI am as leud, and as debaucht as thou art.

Lord, Mrs. Driver, I wonder you shou'd send for me, when other Women are in Company; you know of all things in the World, I hate Whores, they are the pratingst leudest poor Creatures in Nature; and I wou'd not, for any thing, Sir Timothy shou'd know that I keep Company, 'twere enough to lose him.

Why, Sir TimothyPox on't, thou'rt dull, we are not half debauch'd and leud enough, give us more Wine.

No, my Brothercome to demand his Portion of me; he says I am in leud Company, and, like a Boy, he wou'd correct me.

Your Brother! by Fortune, he's so leud, that should I he so unconscionable to leave thee a Virgin but this Night, he wou'd ravish thee himself, and that at cheaper Rates than I design to do it.

Renounce this leud Fool, and I'll make thee a Fortune suitable to thy Quality.

What a leud Description hast thou made of his Chamber? Bred.

A very proper young Fellow, and as like old Frank Fainwou'd as the Devil to the Collier; but, Francis, you are come into a very leud Town, Francis, for Whoring, and Plotting, and Roaring, and Drinking; but you must go to Church, Francis, and avoid ill Company, or you may make damnable Havock in my Cash, Francis, what, you can keep Merchants Books? Bel.

Or make most filthy Verses of me Under the name of Clorisyou Philander, Who in leud Rhimes confess the dear Appointment; What Hour, and where, how silent was the Night, How full of Love your Eyes, and wishing mine.

But in this leud exploit I lose a son And thou a brother, my Emanuell, And our whole house the glory of her name: Her beauteous name that never was distayned, Is by this beastly fact made odious.

We meet with her for the first time as: "a fair maiden clad in mourning WEED, Upon a mangy JADE unmeetly set, And a leud fool her leading thorough dry and wet.

15 examples of  leud  in sentences