1899 examples of lie on in sentences

We had some nice short turf to lie on, and the night was not too cold for comfort.

Accordingly, on the 2nd of January he presented a bill, called an act for the abolition of the Slave Trade; but he then proposed only to print it, and to let it lie on the table, that it might be maturely considered, before it should be discussed.

Let it lie on the shelf there.

And it did seem wise to the Master Monstruwacan, and unto me, that if any should find the Lesser Redoubt, they must surely do so somewhere within the mighty Valley; but whether The Road that led into the West, where was the Place of the Ab-humans, should bring me to it, I had no knowing; nor whether it might lie on the Northward way.

He is coward to nothing more than an ill tongue, and whosoever dare lie on him hath power over him; and if you take him by his look, he is guilty.

Suppose that owing to a defective sidewalk you should break your leg, what responsibility would lie on the village?

I, when I wish to do myself a good and a pleasure CHANTECLER You lie on the earth and sleep in the sun! PATOU

Few experiences can equal a Spring day among the Alps when the wealth of flowers begins to show in the valleys, while masses of good snow still lie on the Northern slopes or on the ridges above 6,000 feet.

In this engine the cylinders lie on their sides, and they are placed near the side of the vessel with their mouths pointing to the keel.

The ruins of Chella lie on the farther side of the plateau above the native town of Rabat.

Some lie on the ground; others, attached to trunks of trees as parasites, hang from branches like great serpents; but none is so majestic as the species called systematically Cereus giganteus, most appropriately.

While the doctor is performing his last operations she must lie on the pile, and after the fire is applied to it she cannot stir until the doctor orders her to be removed, which, however, is never done until her body is completely covered with blisters.

It is his custom to preach without any notes whatever; rarely, a scrap of paper may lie on the desk containing memoranda or suggestions of leading thoughts, but frequently even when this is the case the notes are ignored.

"You know," she muttered: "Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Bless the bed that I lie on "What's after that?"

You lie on the paperthe sacred paper He's scratching onHe moves away, marvelous condescension!and leaves you his soiled page.

The Bed we lie on.

It is pleasant to lie on one's back in a bed of rhododendrons, and look up to a mountain top peering at one from above a bank of cloud; but it is pleasantest when one has qualified oneself for repose by climbing the peak the day before and becoming familiar with its terrors and its beauties.

No breaking of ranks for rest or for water; the long night through we lie on our arms.

But the rector felt that his son had made his bed and must now lie on it, and Harry was aware that this was his father's feeling.

Indeed she is forbidden to lie on a bed at all and must sleep on the ground.

and I don' wanna lie on nobodyI ain' mad now

and I ain' gonna tell no lie on um.

As much of the chopped leaves as will lie on a crown-piece, given amongst a feed of corn for three days, and remitted three days, and repeated thus for nine doses, has been known to remove this disease.

Through such desire and the hope of its attainment, all greatest things have been wrought in the earth: I too have my unbelief as well as youI can not believe that a lie on the belief of which has depended our highest development.

Now and then he got a day's work in the fields, and the farmer's wife took care of little Grace, and washed her linen, and gave them both clean straw in the barn to lie on, and a blanket to cover them.

1899 examples of  lie on  in sentences