28 examples of lieve in sentences

However, I'd just as lieve walk out there, if only to convince you what a forlorn old place it is.

"I'd just as lieve people would know how old I am.

"Well, you see, I didn't have any ticket, an' the conductor, he told me totohe asked me if I wouldn't jest as lieve git off here.

I called ag'in, and he begun to scratch and tear and pull,at boards, I guessed, for it sounded like that; but it wa'n't no use, he couldn't get at me, and he give up at length and set down right over my head and give another howl, so long and so dismal I thought I'd as lieves hear the bell a-tollin' my age.

I'd just as lieve work as not.

Ain't it a piece of ingratitude, when Peg and I go to the trouble of earning the money to pay for gingerbread for you to eat, that you ain't even willin' to go in and buy it?" "I would just as lieve go in," said Ida, "if Peg would give me good money to pay for it.

Wil-lie whistl-ed, and cut a-way, not-with-stand-ing the burn-ing heat of the sun: his sic-kle glis-ten-ed, and the corn fell in such long sweeps that I do be-lieve it was as ma-gi-cal as the hands them-selves.

Why, I do be-lieve that the gi-ant hands are drag-ging it along!

With regard to a John-dory, which you desire to be particularly informed about, I honour the fish, but it is rather on account of Quin who patronised it, and whose taste (of a dead man) I had as lieve go by as anybody's (Apicius and Heliogabalus exceptedthis latter started nightingales' tongues and peacocks' brains as a garnish).

If I had no wit but what I must shew at the expence of my virtue or my modesty, I had as lieve be as stupid as * *

" "I think that your grandmother was right; but what did Joe say?" He said that the teacher didn't spite him; that he would as lieve sit by me as any girl in school, and that he liked girls.

"No, Miss Ruggles," continued she, "I thank the Lord I ha'n't got a complainin' sperrit, an' hed jest ez lieves see by my neighbor's dip ez my own, an', mebbe ye 'll say, a sight lieveser.

He is too big,that's a fact; but he's so like a human cre'tur', I'd jest abaout as lieves slarter Orrin.

lieve that wild crowds had given chase on foot to moving trains, or fore-run them in the frenzied hope of inducing them to stop.

17.With an adverb of comparison or preference, as better, rather, best, as lief, or as lieve, the auxiliary had seems sometimes to be used before the infinitive to form the potential imperfect or pluperfect: as, "He that loses by getting, had better lose than get.

"I had as lieve the town crier spoke my lines.

By and by they tired of play-ing sol-dier; and then they pulled down some old dress-es and hats that hung on a peg, and put them on, and made be-lieve that they were grown peo-ple.

I'd as lieve be there as in a mansion.

It lay on a close network of rivers and canals, formed partly by these two main streams, and partly by the minor channels of the Lieve and the Moere, which together intersect it into several islands.

It also extends beyond the Lys to the little island on which is situated the church of St. Michael, and again to the islet formed between the Lieve and the Lys, which contains the château of the Counts and the Palace Ste.

I'll once turn Bawd: go to, they are good mens offices, And not so contemptible as we take 'em for: And if she be above ground, and a Woman; I ask no more; I'll bring her o' my back, Sir, By this hand I will, and I had as lieve bring the Devil, I care not who she be, nor where I have her; And in your arms, or the next Bed deliver her, Which you think fittest, and when you have danc'd your galliard.

Mar. Faith Bessus, such Commanders as thou may; I had as lieve set thee Perdue for a pudding i'th' dark, as Alexander the Great.

" "Well," said Dunn gloomily, "I reckon perhaps you'd as lieve left me in hell, for all the love you bear me.

I'd as lieve ride of a boiling kettle.

" "I'd as lieve ride of a dead man," said the old groom.

28 examples of  lieve  in sentences