Do we say life is or life was

life is 3295 occurrences

But a Prince's life is the charge of his guards; the lives of his people are his care.

' 'The Son of the Evening Light is very brave,' said the other hurriedly, and in tones which exhibited strong feeling; 'but life is very sweet.

'One of the most delightful things in life is to have one's curiosity roused and then satisfied by very slow degrees!' 'Not too slow, please.

"My dear child," he said, "my life is not so easily disposed of.

His private life is unusually interesting, by no means a model for others to imitate, yet showing great energy, a wonderful power of will, and undoubted honesty of purpose.

Herndon's Life is probably the most satisfactory of the period before Lincoln's inauguration.

All nature in its myriad forms of life is changeable, impermanent, unenduring.

'I can fancy two girls getting quite attached to each other, out of the season,' she said, 'but in May and June life is all a rush and a scramble' 'And one has no time to gather wayside flowers of friendship,' interjected Mr. Smithson.

The pleasantest Part of a Man's Life is generally that which passes in Courtship, provided his Passion be sincere, and the Party beloved kind with Discretion.

They must be told that life is evil, and I find it good; that men and women are wretched, and I find them happy; that food and cleanliness, order and knowledge are the essence of content while I only ask for love.

Country-life is apt to be dull; but when it once gets going, it beats the city hollow, because it gives its whole mind to what it is about.

"But the great finale in the tragedy of Donald MacDonald's life is yet to come, Ladygray.

"Life is real, Life is earnest.

What kind of a life is that of the present day?

For in those long-moon countries life is open and accessible, and romances seem to be furnished real and gratis, in order to save, in a languor-breeding climate, the ennui of reading and writing books.

"Say, Doc, what do you think life is, anyway?" Purdy scanned the monkey with shrewd eyes, and grinned.

It seems to spring up everywhere,the usual reaction of a society whose life is based upon positivism, the overthrow of ideals, empty pleasures, and soulless striving after gain.

But we have not learned even the alphabet of Christ's gospel unless we have come to see that the only true indignity in human life is sin, meanness, malevolence, and small-heartedness; and that all life is dignified where there are love, purity, and piety in it, whatever be its social category.

How life is handed On.

Every man's daily life is largely made up of acts from which a presumption of either guilt or innocence can be inferred, depending upon the attitude of the one who draws the inference.

"I do wake up rich every morning now," said the other, "though I have still my living to earn, because my life is full of prized opportunities, of cherished friendships, of chances for acquiring knowledge that I had not in youth, and keeping myself in touch with broad human facts and forces.

To take one's own life is a sin, that is if the person is in his right mind.

Be it so; but every life is noble which is spent in the path of duty.

From this time all other interests are laid aside, his whole life is absorbed in the prosperity of Germany.

This means that the climber can easily reach the realm where life is not, where ice and snow, rock and water reign, and man feels his littleness.

life was 2539 occurrences

According to a trouvere of the thirteenth century, "The tree of life was, a thousand years after the sin of the first man, transplanted from the Garden of Eden to the Garden of Abraham, and an angel came from heaven to tell the patriarch that upon this tree should hang the freedom of mankind.

There came a day when even Peter realized that life was real and life was earnest.

Death rained through every roof but his; children came into life, grew to maturity, wedded, faded away, threw themselves away; the whole drama of life was played in that stock-company's theatre of a dozen houses, one of which was his, and no deep sorrow or severe calamity ever entered his dwelling.

A hundred years ago such a life was impossible without independent means, if a man would mingle in society and live conventionally, and what was called respectably.

At last the measure of his life was a handful of fagots.

Life was very simple in the jungle of Panama.

His greatest desire in life was to see the kingGeorge I., and his nurses and attendants augmented his wish by their exalted descriptions of the grandeur which he effected, in after-life, to despise.

He called in the best specialist from Paris, who did not exactly give up all hope, but did not conceal that Renée's life was in danger.

So they kept the evening going, and it was not till an early hour of the following day that this important volume of Henry's life was finally closed.

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan met with bitter opposition and animosity from the conservative element of his faith, and while some of his opponents admitted the purity and nobility of his motive, he was often accused of apostasy, but his noble life was spared until March, 1898, and he was permitted to see his institution enjoying great popularity and usefulness.

It was true that I had a comfortable home, with enough to live upon, and had repaid my sister the money that I had borrowed from her on our arrival; yet what kind of a life was it that I was leading, in a business foreign to my nature and inclinations, and without even the prospect of enlarging this?

" One must not imagine that life was wholly devoid of pleasures in those days.

It is also a poetical expression of the sorrows of unequal relations; those in which the Master of Life was not consulted.

Mother was glad to be free but for a long time her life was harder.

Life was enough under the sea conditions, and the prospect of the return to the limitations of living amongst men was absolute pain.

In Him was life, and that life was the light of men.

Middlemarch: a Study of Provincial Life was printed in twelve monthly parts by Blackwood, beginning in December, 1871.

His service to India in the latest years of his life was no suddenly accepted task.

There never, indeed, was a time throughout my whole youth, when we were alone together, that he did not return to the same text and impress upon me that a selfish life was no life at all, that "no man liveth for himself, that no man dieth for himself.

"My father's children were," as Laurence Sterne grimly puts it, "not made to last long;" but one cannot help suspecting that it was the hardships of those early years which carried them off in their infancy with such painful regularity and despatch, and that it was to the same cause that their surviving brother owed the beginnings of that fatal malady by which his own life was cut short.

Thou urgest me above my patience; This minute of my life was not my own, But hers, I love beyond it.

I was a stockman, as well as a boy; and my life was closely related to the mysterious processes by which the world is filled with successive generations of living beings.

But release from such an intolerable life was soon coming to the ill-used Duc.

To the ill-starred Burns was given the power of making man's life more venerable, but that of wisely guiding his own life was not given....

The horses were exercised, the servants managed, the children kept within bounds; nothing in the formula of our daily life was ever dropped, and yet I scarcely ever saw him!

Do we say   life is   or  life was