Do we say life or love

life 112272 occurrences

The science of life, by H. G. Wells, Julian Huxley and George Philip Wells.

Little Mabel is the life of the party.

WORDS OF LIFE: a Bible conference and evangelistic song book.

Life sentence.

The adventures of Hawke Travis; episodes in the life of a gunman.

The way of life.

(Life-reading service) © on complete revision; 30Oct30; A29780-29781.

The chance of a life time.

Life of Phillips Brooks.

Life of Phillips Brooks.

Philippine plant life.

Supplement, 1932, to Rose's notes on the United States Supreme Court reports. LAZARSFELD, SOFIE. Rhythm of life.

Life of the party.

(The Christ-life series in religion)

General Accident Fire & Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (E); 11Jun62; R297053. <pb id='143.png' />

SEGALL, JAMES L. Sex life in America, its problems and their solution.

Edison; his life, his work, his genius.

R594477. Sun, stand thou still, the life and work of Copernicus the astronomer.

The Negro spiritual speaks of life and death; being the Ingersoll lecture on the immortality of man, 1947.

Joe Louis: a picture story of his life.

(In Life, Sept. 13, 1948)

" "And yet there is no one whose future life might be easier.

"But as it is, he will leave you enough for all the needs of even a luxurious life.

After getting the wagon loaded, father said to me;"Now my son, you are starting out in life alone, no one to watch or look after you.

It seemed the beginning of another chapter in my pioneer life and a rather tough experience.

love 69385 occurrences

and I foold, A new love in hir armes, my doatings scornd at.

You are a good Lord, Indeed I love you for't and will pray for you.

No, I thanck ye, I know a trick worth ten o'that: ile love ye And bring ye to those men that love to see ye. Away, away; and keepe your pistolls spand still: We may be forced.

I love thee, too: thy physick Will quickly purge me from the worldes abuses.

May he protect with honour, fight with fortune, And dye with generall love, an old and good Prince.

'Tis true, Thomas: but I must change the lynings of the breeches, for I love to bee cleanly.

Azure is constant, and Peach is love; which signifies my constant Affection.

Such are the strange varieties in love, Such heates, such desperate coldes, Sis.

No more winter, and you love me, unlesse you can command the colepits; we have had a hard tyme on't already for want of fuell.

He that knowes Love knowes well that every hower Love's glad, Love's sad, Love's sweet Sis.

He that knowes Love knowes well that every hower Love's glad, Love's sad, Love's sweet Sis.

He that knowes Love knowes well that every hower Love's glad, Love's sad, Love's sweet Sis.

He that knowes Love knowes well that every hower Love's glad, Love's sad, Love's sweet Sis.

Ile cheerefully attend you, I love the sport; as earlie as you please,

Oh the Neats tongues and partargoes that I have eaten at Stillyard, but of all things in the world I do not love a black catt: next a brewers cart, there's nothing will stay a man so much in the night as a Constables.

No, no, saveing your presence, your Boyes have nothing, sarreverence, but Love songs, and I hate those monstruously, to make thinges appeare better then they are, and that is but deceptio Visus, which after some embraceings the parties see presently what it is.

Why then in prose, the worst that I can speake in, I doe not love you, Lady. Sis.

You saw himis he well?" "As hearty as you could wish, and full of love for you, and rejoiced beyond measure to know you are to marry a brave, honest gentleman."

" "Only that," says she, her countenance falling again, "we are to hide our love, pretend indifference, behave towards this dear father as if he were nought to me but a friend.

Yet her husband never looked more hearty and strong, and every look and word of his bespoke increasing love.

And if this part was hard to play in public, where we are all, I take it, actors of some sort and on the alert to sustain the character we would have our own, how much more difficult must it be in private when we drop our disguise and lay our hearts open to those we love!

This persevering, patient toil on his part did at first engender in my mind suspicion that some doubting thoughts urged him to assume his independence against any accident that might befall the estate; but now I believe 'twas nothing but a love of work and of his art, and that his mind was free from any taint of misgiving, as regards his wife's honesty.

'Tis likely enough, that spite her caution, many a word and sign escaped Moll, which an enemy would have quickly seized on to prove her culpable; but we do never see the faults of those we love (or, seeing them, have ready at a moment excuse to prove them no faults at all), and at this time Mr. Godwin's heart was so full of love, there was no place for other feeling.

"I would have you go, and yet I'd have you stay, love," says she.

"You two are always quarrelling," she said, archly, "just like a couple ofcouple of" "Love-birds," suggested Mr. Nugent.

Do we say   life   or  love