868 examples of lighten in sentences

It was her sister Mary who first spoke about it, having seen with sorrow how changed the once happy blind sister had become, and longing to lighten her burden.

By this means, when the latter are not in public use, the telegraphist can lighten his weary hours by animated conversation with his colleague two or three hundred miles away on congenial topicsthe state of the weather, rate of exchange, chances of promotion, and so on.

On their way down the mountain, he felt the mood lighten.

This last objection overlooks the fact that the pedagogical influence is always mediate, and can do no more than, by disciplining the impulses of the pupil and by supplying him with aids against immoral inclinations, to lighten his moral task.

The little hoe-cake he gives them, takes but a mill of the wealth with which they fill his purse; and should his extravagance lighten it somewhat, he has only to order his brutal overseer to sellsoul and body some poor creature; perchance a husband, or a wife, or a child, and forward to him the proceeds of the sale.

The old man was travelling with the Keseberg family, and, in the heavy sand, when that family walked to lighten the load, he was required to do likewise.

She did much to lighten the disappointments of his later life, and they lived together happily for more than twenty years.

Snow fell thickly at intervals, and the obscurity was very great; occasionally this would lighten and permit the sun to shed a ghastly dilute light upon us through the gleaming vapor.

The morning was in high fête, most fresh and pure, and to breathe was to be young, and to see such a sunlight lighten even upon ruin so vast was to be blithe.

I shall always try to do you service; and only yesterday I came to show you a letter written by the Duke of Florence, and to lighten your burdens, as I have ever done until now.

Our family now consisted of myself and two sisters, the friend that was staying with us, and a brother, nineteen years of age, who had joined us during the winter, and who, though an engineer and in good business, was, like most young men, thoughtless and more likely to increase than to lighten our burdens.

After the first pressing, it goes to a more artistic old negro, who, with two buckets of waterone like pea-soup, the other as dark as if some of his children had been boiled down in itand armed with a sponge of most uninviting appearance, applies these liquids with most scientific touch, thereby managing to change the colour, and marble it, darken it, or lighten it, so as to suit the various tastes.

At 9 P.M. it began to thunder & lighten very hard.

She repeated whatever wise things one can say to oneself; she even anticipated, as people so often do, the wretched comfort that time would come at last to her relief; and then she cursed the time which would have to pass before it could lighten her sufferingsshe cursed the dead, cold time when they would be lightened.

" He said this with a smile and a chuckle, hoping to win his friend to the half-earnest, half-jesting talk with which they sometimes tried to lighten the heavy burdens that both were constantly bearing.

So that even on this dreary November night, when its clearness was dimmed by the flight of the wind-hunted clouds, it was able to lighten in a measure the furthest and darkest reaches of this wild new world.

Ever was it fast day and fleshless day with her, so that by any means she might lighten the burthen that her friend must carry in his arms.

Never did he think of himself, of how he might lighten his tasks, give himself a little more leisure or rest.

He freely gives himself, his time, his money to lighten them.

A wag, who "will be the death of us," says he bought a cake the other evening:"It is thundering weight," observed the baker: "I hope it will not lighten before I get it home," was the equivocal reply.

Soon after this the dark world began to lighten faintly, and with the rising of a little white mist, like a veil rolling upwards, I at last saw the river and the fields beyond.

The east was beginning to lighten now, and against the reddening sky his dark face appeared almost pale.

He decided early to lighten the gloom of his theme by introducing the love episode of Max and Thekla.

Then the sailors were afraid and cried, each to his own god; and they cast into the sea the wares that were in the ship, in order to lighten it.

The next morning I had again to lighten my knapsack, and threw overboard an extra pair of boots; then I arose and went on to Goslar, where I arrived without knowing how.

868 examples of  lighten  in sentences