1716 examples of likenesses in sentences

The whole length of the Corso was decorated when he passed through it, and hundreds of likenesses of him, and of panegyrical compositions, covered the walls.

They are ties of God's binding; they are patterns and likenesses of his substance, and of his being.

She had taken their likenesses from old photographs, and her sketch of the oak tree was to serve as a background for the portraits of the two youngest scions of the houselittle Benjamin and little Guillaume.

Julian walked toward the corpses, repeating to himself and trying to believe that he was mistaken, that it was not possible, that there are often inexplicable likenesses.

They affect to multiply their likenesses in statues of bronze or marble; nor are they satisfied unless these statues are covered with plates of gold.

These effects have certain likenesses of kind, the most general of which we class together under the names of Matter, Motion, and Force; and between these effects there are likenesses of connection, the most constant of which we class as laws of the highest certainty.

These effects have certain likenesses of kind, the most general of which we class together under the names of Matter, Motion, and Force; and between these effects there are likenesses of connection, the most constant of which we class as laws of the highest certainty.

He contracts enmities, as others do friendships, out of likenesses, sympathies, and instincts; and when he lights upon one of his own temper, as contraries produce the same effects, they perform all the offices of friendship, have the same thoughts, affections, and desires of one another's destruction, and please themselves as heartily, and perhaps as securely, in hating one another as others do in loving.

Under the cold marble statues, or amid the waxen likenesses of their famous stately ancestors, they turned night into day with long and foolish orgies, and exhausted land and sea with the demands of their gluttony.

"Yes, by Jove," he said, "let's have the new game of 'Likenesses;' it's a perfectly ripping game.

Except some family portraits, valuable to me from their likenesses only, I could wish that every picture I ever painted was destroyed.

The data of philosophy arebesides an Unknowable Powerthe existence of knowable likenesses and differences among its manifestations, and a resulting segregation of the manifestations into those of subject and object.

Ordinary minds inherit their language and form of expression; but with the poet, or natural sayer, a new step is taken, and new analogies, new likenesses must be disclosed.

Dissolution of assemblies and parliaments Committees of correspondence; provincial congresses Provisional governments; "governors" and "presidents" Origin of the senates Likenesses and differences between British and American systems QUESTIONS ON THE TEXT Section 3.

That day when Madam Conway returned from her ride she was surprised at Maggie's proposing that Theo and herself should have their likenesses taken for Arthur Carrollton.

Sir T. LawrenceWe hope the president's portrait will please the laureate, for he has been rather tenacious about his "likenesses" which have been engraved.

And they commanded at that time that an ivory statue of him, but later that a whole chariot should be escorted at the horse-races along with the likenesses of the gods.

We shall know this by a view of the particulars; in this place we say only that the reigning taste, or the love of striking likenesses, might justify Aristophanes for having turned, as Plutarch says, art into malignity, simplicity into brutality, merriment into farce, and amour into impudence; if, in any age, a poet could be excused for painting publick folly and vice, in their true colours.

She showed us several pen sketches she had made of some of our reformers, that were admirable likenesses.

Her portraits, which are thought to be very good likenesses, are also admirable in color, drawing, and modelling; and her portrait of Leopold I., which she painted in 1839, won for her the appointment at court.

All her likenesses are singularly individual, and we realize their character at a glance.

She paints portraits also, mostly in pastel, which are spirited, but not especially good likenesses.

All are good likenesses and are painted with vigor and skill, but the one of Mr. Trollope is especially clever.

Her portraits were considered excellent as likenesses; her touch was firm, her color brilliant, and her works in oils and water-colors as well as her miniatures were much esteemed.

The portrait of President McKinley is from the photograph that seems to his friends upon the whole the most striking of his likenesses.

1716 examples of  likenesses  in sentences