23 examples of likin in sentences

"You decide ter leave yer hum, with all there is to it, an' me inter the bargain, an' go ter board with folks what don't know yer likins nor understan' yer feelin's, an' the end on it'll be that you'll jest wilt away wuss than a mornin' glory.

cain't no more help likin' her than as if she was my own born sister.

"This waitin' while others are gettin' ready to try to kill a fellow is not to my likin'.

"There is no reason why you should go if the job isn't to your likin'.

The Lord ain't like us, havin' to wait until He gets everything to His own likin', but He can go ahead with whatever comes to His hand.

"If yer please, sir," she said, with a sniff, "Mrs. Oldbury wants ter know if yer'll be likin' a barf in the mornin'.

"You're jest like your father: he'd make friends with a stranger, any day, on the street, in two jiffeys, if he took a likin' to him; and there might be neighbors a livin' right long 'side on us, for years an' years, thet he'd never any more 'n jest pass the time o' day with, 'n' he wa'n't a bit stuck up, either.

Oh, my little lass, would ye gie me a kiss,just one, to show ye're not afraid, and to gie me leave to try to win ye out o' likin' into lovin'?

"I can see you likin' Dickie," she remarked ironically.

"It was oil business brought us together and he seemed to take a sort of likin' to me.

"Well, you know how boys an' gals somehow git to likin' each other afore they know it.

" "And the child?" "One er de No'the'n w'ite lady teachers at de mission school tuck a likin' ter little Janet, an' put her thoo school, an' den sent her off ter de No'th fer ter study ter be a school teacher.

I let him understand that at the present writin' I'd be willing to take money most any way, and that I didn't have any particular likin' for you.

"You'll no be likin' him," he said.

"If I've said anything you're no likin' and that I'm sorry for masel', I apologize," he said.

"I've brought many a yin into the world, and I'm likin' him fine.

Tige ain't got no likin' fer greasers sence then.

And finally John got to lookin' for Demijohn, and if he didn't show up reg'lar John would set out and chase Demijohn all over the country, afoot and ahorseback, and likin' his comp'ny more every time they met.

This was the settlement of questions relating to the simultaneous collection of duty and likin on opiumtwo of the burning questions of the day in the south.

The matter went through without a hitch; China, in addition to getting her own way on the likin question, was given the right to open her Custom Houses at Kowloon (Hongkong) and Lappa (Macao), while Portugal on her side agreed never to sell or cede Macao to any other Power without China's consent.

But Sam, in jest that way of hisen, laid low and sort o' did the best he could with what he had to do with, sort o' speculated and increased her likin' for him on the sly (mean fellers will git ahead of good ones five times out of ten, wimmen are so queer).

It was this sympathetic Virginian who took Cass aside with the following generous suggestion: "If you find that you and the old gal couldn't hitch hosses, owin' to your not likin' red hair or a game leg" (it may be here recorded that Blazing Star had, for no reason whatever, attributed these unprepossessing qualities to the mysterious advertiser), "you might let me in.

It was keepin' the light at my back done thatand William not likin' the look of it, either.

23 examples of  likin  in sentences