2834 examples of limitations in sentences

How many thinking men can, without perplexity, remember how many States there are and what they are: arbitrary creations of the treaties, creations of the moment, territorial limitations imposed by the necessities of international agreements.

The early part of the evening he gave to a frugal meal and the society of La Guicciolinow apparently, in defiance of the statute of limitations, established under the same roofand then sat late over his verses.

Her exclusion was based on no reasoned principle, but was due to a sensuous art-instinct: the Greeks felt that the unnatural limitations of the poetic medium were more in keeping with the unnatural[10] brevity of a story which must be short.

Yet, owing to the modern spread of education, or rather to the indiscriminate divulgation of ideas, these problems are now the possession of the man in the street, whereas in former days they were exclusively the property of minds capablenot indeed of answering the unanswerable, but at least of knowing their own limitations and of seeing why such problems must always exist as long as man is man.

This mode of imagining the truth, so as to explain the divine jealousy implied in the precept of loving God exclusively and supremely, is, for all its patent limitations, the most generally serviceable.

And if there is in the type a certain narrowness of sympathy and lack of intelligent interest which offends us, we may ask whether, with our human limitations, narrowness is not to some extent the price we pay for strength; whether where decision of judgment and energy of action is demanded, as in times of persecution, width of view and multiplicity of sympathies may not be a source of weakness.

The first impulse would be to ascribe every intelligent effect to some human agency, but other circumstances would subsequently incline the savage reluctantly to divest the agent of one or more of the limitations of humanity, and to clothe him with preter-human attributes.

Thus, by a gradual process of dehumanization, the mind would be instinctively led from the notion of a man magnified in all excellences and refined from all limitations, to the conception of spirit.

In defense of his claim, only the limitations of his articulate faculty will curb the vehemence of his indictment of his fellows.

Limitations of time and space have been shortened and eliminated.

I think I never before felt my own limitations so keenly, or desired so strongly to be fully worthy of a child's trust and love.

Maternal affection, however, pardoned all limitations, and they were clasped as fondly to maternal bosoms as if they had been imported from Paris.

Few realise in the present taxes anything but coercion and waste, but most people would soon see that a share of every man's income is due for common purposes and that there are many limitations to the economical management of public institutions; we would begin once again to contribute directly, build up and maintain national institutions in the place of those that now mysteriously spring up and live under Government orders.

Each layer of society was known to herits virtues, prejudices, limitations and peculiar tricks of thought.

John felt an odd sympathy for the boy; he recognized that though Peter's limitations were obvious, his anxiety was sincere.

She had her faults, or rather her limitations, but since her time men have gone to the stake, have built up and torn down principalities and powers, on the dynamic conviction that they had been sent to the kingdom "for such a time as this.

These explanations are necessarily symbolistic rather than demonstrative, but any one who will seriously follow out these lines of thought, or, still better, study the attitude of the hard-headed modern physicist towards our classical geometry and mechanics, cannot fail to realize how conventional, artificialeven phantasmalare the limitations set by the primitive idea of flat space and straight time.

This would be due to no defect in the sound-producing mechanism, but to the limitations of the sound-receiving mechanism, our auditory apparatus.

The extinction of a desire is only another name for the transcending of a limitationof all desires, of all limitations.

If these limitations are of space they are of time also; therefore is the "approach to the Eternal" through the "extinction of all desire.

Swedenborg's angels are men freed from these limitations.

Space-eater would be a more appropriate title, since he so dauntlessly and persistently addresses himself to overcoming the limitations of his space.

Although higher-space thought makes painfully clear our limitations, it nevertheless leads to the perception that these very limitations are inhibited powers.

Although higher-space thought makes painfully clear our limitations, it nevertheless leads to the perception that these very limitations are inhibited powers.

Thought, conscious of its own limitations, leads to the New Freedom.

2834 examples of  limitations  in sentences