1142 examples of limp in sentences

At the edge of the wash I could make out something prone, dim, limp, thrown constantly in new positions of weariness as the water ebbed and flowed beneath it, now an arm thrown out, now cast back, as though Old Scrubs slept feverishly.

If his history ran out to the end, doubtless he would go with a limp in his riper days.

If you should wheeze and limp in an old man's part, with back humped in mimicry, would you not fear that it bordered on the truth?

She reached out, the three plumes dipping down the bare V of her back, for the limp hand of the bride.

But the womenwhy, Rudolph, there was an Italian countess at Romethe impudent minx!who actually made me believeHowever, Jack explained all that, after I had made both a spectacle and a nuisance of myself, and he had behaved so nobly in the entire affair that for days afterwards I was positively limp with repentance.

So, faint and heart-sick, with Sir Benedict limp across his saddle bow, Beltane rode from that place of death; beside him went Roger, stumbling and weary, and behind them strode mighty Ulf with Sir Hacon upon his shoulder.

I remember another day, when I did a great climb above Bezzecca to carry out a front line reconnaissance, and arrived limp and perspiring to lunch at the Headquarters of an Italian Artillery Group, high, high up, looking out upon a glorious and astounding view.

He had been sitting hard by, staring at the ceiling, and he now gave a sharp leap like a gaffed salmon and upset a small table containing a vase, a bowl of potpourri, two china dogs, and a copy of Omar Khayyám bound in limp leather.

A tall and very handsome middle-aged brown woman, in a limp print gown and a gorgeous turban, stood at the gangway in a glare of light, which made her look like some splendid witch by a Walpurgis night-fire.

V. be weak &c adj.; drop, crumble, give way, totter, tremble, shake, halt, limp, fade, languish, decline, flag, fail, have one leg in the grave.

But before the harbour lights had faded behind us a sympathetic mariner supported her limp formthe feathers of her incongruous hat drooping in unison with their ownerdown the swaying cabin staircase and deposited her on a couch.

When the neat and modest little mistress of the Hendrik Athenæum and Circulating Library descended to open the shop and take down the bars, all her sense of delicacy was shocked, and she was brought to shame; for her meek skirts, missing the generous support of the quilted silk petticoat, clung about her mortified extremities in thin and limp dejection.

He fell with a limp thud on the boards.

" Her hands fell limp, cold, lifeless.

One womanrather a tiresome person, a spinster with a curiously horse-like face and large teethsometimes stays for hours at a time and leaves us limp.

Jim Renfrew, still walking with a pronounced limp, returned from the hospital.

Vaguely I can recall how I rushed into the chamber of death, how I seized Duroc by one limp hand and dragged him down the hall, the woman keeping pace with me and pulling at the other arm.

Oh, not for mere material loss alone, Not for our trade, reduced to pulp, we whimper, But for our dashed illusions we make moan, Our spiritual aims grown limp and limper, Our glorious aspirations Touching a really noble League of Nations.

" He started to force Alice behind the shelter, for the heat was actually blistering the skin, but to his surprise he found her suddenly limp in his arms.

" Having thus transferred the remainder of the job from his own hands to those of an awkward, pouting girl, who was compelled to abandon her gossip with a neighbour, she went to obey his injunctions, he quickly removed his own person, notwithstanding a miserable limp with which he had come into the world, from the shop-board to the open air.

His wound had entirely healed, but as his leg was still weak and he still continued to limp a little, he could not resume his place in the circus.

" I remember him wringing the limp hand I mechanically stretched out to him and then slowly revaulting the fence.

Over his shoulder was slung a dark, limp burden which he swung down and held out in the crook of his thick arms, as if it were a doll.

Some of them hung limp between their nurses.

" Other bodies of Belgian soldiers wore ludicrous little képis with immense eye-shades, mostly broken or hanging limp in a dejected way.

1142 examples of  limp  in sentences