7 examples of lionne in sentences

It was a steel engraving, not of the finest, torn from some Book of Beauty, or other silly-sentimental keepsake of the literary catch-penny class, brought all the way from home, and tenderly saved for the sake of its strange by-chance resemblance to a smart little lionne I had known in Virginia, in the days when smart little lionnes made me a sort of puppy Cumming.

It was a steel engraving, not of the finest, torn from some Book of Beauty, or other silly-sentimental keepsake of the literary catch-penny class, brought all the way from home, and tenderly saved for the sake of its strange by-chance resemblance to a smart little lionne I had known in Virginia, in the days when smart little lionnes made me a sort of puppy Cumming.

Mrs. Fitzgerald drew near, and signified to her cousin a wish to be introduced; for it would have mortified her vanity, when she afterward retailed the gossip of the ball-room, if she had been obliged to acknowledge that she was not presented to la belle lionne.

Cherchez des adjectifs, des noms, ou des verbes des mots dans cette histoire; e.g. rugissement: rugir, rugissant; lion: lionne. 23.

LION, LIONNE, le plus puissant des quadrupèdes carnassiers du genre chat.

"She is modest and discreet," she thought, "but, for all that, a lionne still!" "Are you unwell?" asked Panshine, meanwhile.

When they arrived at her house Varvara lightly bounded from the carriage, as only a lionne could bound, turned towards Gedeonovsky, and suddenly burst out laughing in his face.

7 examples of  lionne  in sentences