30 examples of lippe in sentences

You will no doubt recollect the sensation caused by the theft of the jewels of the Princess Wilhelmine of Schaumbourg-Lippe from the lady's-maid in the rapide between Cannes and Les Arcs, the robbery from the Marseilles branch of the Crédit Lyonnais, and the great haul of plate from the château of Bardon, the Paris millionaire, close to Arcachon.

Arminius is far more truly one of our national heroes than Caractacus; and it was our own primeval fatherland that the brave German rescued when he slaughtered the Roman legions, eighteen centuries ago, in the marshy glens between the Lippe and the Ems.

He therefore set his army in motion, and marched eastward in a line parallel to the course of the Lippe.

For some distance his route lay along a level plain; but on arriving at the tract between the curve of the upper part of that stream and the sources of the Ems, the country assumes a very different character; and here, in the territory of the modern little principality of Lippe, it was that Arminius had fixed the scene of his enterprise.

The eastern part of it, round Detmold, the modern capital of the principality of Lippe, is described by a modern German scholar, Dr. Plate, as being a "table-land intersected by numerous deep and narrow valleys, which in some places form small plains, surrounded by steep mountains and rocks, and only accessible by narrow defiles.

Varus now ordered the troops to be countermarched, in the hope of reaching the nearest Roman garrison on the Lippe.

If I should undertake to wryte in prayse of a gentlewoman, I would neither praise her christal eye, nor her cherrie lippe, etc.

A GERMAN PRINCE DIED The Hanover Courier gave the following account by an eyewitness of the death of Prince Frederick William of Lippe at Liege: "On all sides our detachment was surrounded by Belgian troops, who were gradually closing in for purposes of exterminating us.

The attack was made by Lieut R.S.G. Marix, of the Naval Flying Corps, in a monoplane, and Squadron Commander Spencer Grey, with Lieut S.V. Lippe, in a biplane.

The count de la Lippe was chosen general of their united forces; and the choice could not have fallen on one more certainly incapable or more probably treacherous.

Draw then this curtaine: Give me a wife that's sound of wind and limbe; Whose teeth can tell her age; whose hand nere felt A touch lascivious; whose eyes are balls Not tossd by her to any but to me; Whose breath stinkes not of sweatmeates; whose lippes kisse Onely themselves and mine; whose tongue nere lay At the signe of the Bell.

[Cleft?] in my uncles free and friendly lippes, And I am only now to speake and act

by garr she no sooner drinke but shee hang your neck about; she stroake your beard; she nippe your sheeke; she busse your lippe, by garr.

Prince Scharmberg-Lippe, whom we had passed driving away from the Prefecture in his automobile as we drove to it in ours, was the last of four brothers.

What sleeke-browde Saint can see this Idiotisme, The shape and workmanship of omnipotency To be so blinde with drugs of beastlinesse, That will not bend the browe and bite the lippe, Trouble his quiet soule with venome spleene And feare least the all over-seeer Can without vengeance see these ignomies? Grac.

But she alas is angrie still, Which sheweth but a womans will: She bites the lippe and cries fie, fie, And kissing sweetly away she doth flie.

These puppies the smaller they be, the more pleasure they provoke as more meete playfellowes for minsing mistrisses to beare in their bosoms, to keepe company withall in their chambers, to succour with sleepe in bed, and nourishe with meate at board, to lie in their lappes, and licke their lippes as they ryde in their waggons, and good reason it should be so, for coursenesse with fynenesse hath

Peter Carder, an Englishman captive among the Brazilians, wrote: "This is to be noted, that how many men these savages doe kill, so many holes they will have in their visage, beginning first in the nether lippe, then in the cheekes, thirdly, in both their eye-browes, and lastly in their eares.

Near the sources of the Lippe, just where, more than seven centuries before, the German Arminius (Herrmann) had destroyed the legions of Varus, and whither Germanicus had come to avenge the disaster of Varus.

Among her best-known portraits are those of Prince and Princess Lippe-Detmold, Princess Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Prince Wittgenstein, the hereditary Princess Reuss, and Princess Biron von Kurland.

To speake of love to such a cherrye lippe?

DETMOLD (9), capital of Lippe, 47 m. SW. of Hanover, with a bronze colossal statue of ARMINIUS (q. v.) near by.

EMS, 1, a river of NW. Germany, rises in Westphalia, and after a course of 205 m. discharges into Dollart Bay, an inlet of the North Sea; is navigable, and is joined to the Lippe by means of a canal, and also similarly to Dortmund.

LIPPE (128), an old N. German principality, the principal towns of which are Detmold, Lemgo, and Horn.

It is 800 m. in length; receives numerous affluents, e. g. Neckar, Main, Moselle, Lippe; is navigable for ships to Mannheim.

30 examples of  lippe  in sentences