15611 examples of lipping in sentences

The water's lipping up to the edge of her rail.

" "Get the hell out of here, and don't give me none of your lip, or I'll run you in.

" "Content," said Dewhurst, "That's the third bet I have gained off you within a fortnight," Hamilton bit his lip and scowled- an act which only roused against him the raillery of his comrades, who were now collected in a circle, and symptoms of anger of a more expressive kind showed themselves.

A slight smile played on his lip in the midst of the indications of his wrath.

It was e'en lipping when John died; but I will bear yet.

One sigh of thy sorrowone look of thy love Shall turn me or fix, shall reward or reprove; And the heartless may wonder at all we resign, Thy lip shall reply not to thembut to mine.

I asked, biting my lip, and looking away from him. 'Not yet.

"You hear that I am desired to visit my senior in the service of his Majesty," he said, with a smile of irony playing about his scornful lip.

" When the Princess Badoura in her sleep was carried to the bed of Prince Camaral'zaman that she might see him, Danhasch changed himself into a flea, and bit her lip, at which Badoura awoke, saw the prince sleeping by her side, and afterwards became his wife.

Miss Dartle is a vindictive woman, noted for a scar on her lip, which told tales when her temper was aroused.

This scar was from a wound given by young Steerforth, who struck her on the lip when a boy.C. Dickens, David Copperfield (1849).

What do you wish to say?' "'Please, sir,' said she, as her lip quivered and tears filled her eyes, 'it's a dreadful thing; but I don't love Jesus.'

He bit his lip till the blood showed upon it in a thin red line.

' Henkel bit his lip savagely.

Strang bit his lip.

Then she appeared to remember that she always had longed for his good opinionperhaps, she had dreamed of something moreand her eyes fell; he saw her lip tremble.

" "Please, please don't," she said once more, her lip trembling, her eyes full of the softness that the woman who loves cannot hide.

she demanded, her lip trembling with an irresolution she could not control.

Again: "In treating of the simple elements or letters, I have shown that some, both vowels and consonants, are naturally short; that is, whose sounds cannot possibly be prolonged; and these are the [short or shut] sounds of ~e, ~i, and ~u, of vocal sounds; and three pure mutes, k, p, t, of the consonant; as in the words beck, lip, cut.

Now let the words, beck'on, lip'ping, cut'ter, be properly pronounced, and their syllables be compared with each other, or with those of lim'beck, fil'lip, Dr=a'cut; and it cannot but be perceived, that beck, lip, and cut, like other syllables in general, are lengthened by the accent, and shortened only in its absence; so that all these words are manifestly trochees, as all similar words are found to be, in our versification.

"There is many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip."Id.

Hushed were the children's voices, and every eye grew dim, As, floating from lip and finger, arose the "Vesper Hymn.

"Bless 'is poor 'art," said Mrs. Skinner; and then, with her solitary tooth biting her lip in an ecstasy of determination, "Come up!"

The fire showed his round figure, short but well muscled, and the boyish petulance of his shaven lip.

At the churchyard gate is a "lipping" or mounting stone.

15611 examples of  lipping  in sentences