82 examples of lipsius in sentences

Rome, the proud metropolis, had a diameter of eleven miles, and was forty-five miles in circuit, with a population, according to Lipsius, larger than modern London.

[Footnote 22: and Lipsius his hopping stile before either Tully or Quintilian.

Cardan professeth he wrote his book, De Consolatione after his son's death, to comfort himself; so did Tully write of the same subject with like intent after his daughter's departure, if it be his at least, or some impostor's put out in his name, which Lipsius probably suspects.

How is he vilified by Caligula, Agellius, Fabius, and Lipsius himself, his chief propugner?

In partibus spinas et fastidia habet, saith Lipsius; and, as in all his other works, so especially in his epistles, aliae in argutiis et ineptiis occupantur, intricatus alicubi, et parum compositus, sine copia rerum hoc fecit, he jumbles up many things together immethodically, after the Stoics' fashion, parum ordinavit, multa accumulavit, &c.

I must needs except Lipsius and the Pope, and expunge their name out of the catalogue of fools.

" Lipsius saith of himself, that he was humani generis quidem paedagogus voce et stylo, a grand signior, a master, a tutor of us all, and for thirteen years he brags how he sowed wisdom in the Low Countries, as Ammonius the philosopher sometimes did in Alexandria, cum humanitate literas et sapientiam cum prudentia: antistes sapientiae, he shall be Sapientum Octavus.

'Tis something, I confess, and able to move any man, to see himself contemned, obscure, neglected, disgraced, undervalued, [3940]"left behind;" some cannot endure it, no not constant Lipsius, a man discreet otherwise, yet too weak and passionate in this, as his words express, collegas olim, quos ego sine fremitu non intueor, nuper terrae filios, nunc Maecenates et

Erasmus, Melancthon, Lipsius, Budaeus, Cardan, lived and died poor.

I will not expert or hope for that approbation, which Lipsius gives to his Epictetus; pluris facio quum relego; semper ut novum, et quum repetivi, repetendum, the more I read, the more shall I covet to read.

If in thy censure it be too light, I advise thee as Lipsius did his reader for some places of Plautus, istos

those two Epistles of Lipsius, of dogs and horses, Agellius, &c. Fifthly, for bringing up, as if a bitch bring up a kid, a hen ducklings, a hedge-sparrow a cuckoo, &c. The third kind is Amor cognitionis, as Leon calls it, rational love, Intellectivus amor, and is proper to men, on which I must insist.

Many divines stiffly contradict this; but I will conclude with Lipsius, that since "examples, testimonies, and confessions, of those unhappy women are so manifest on the other side, and many even in this our town of Louvain, that it is likely to be so.

Delrio, Lipsius Bodine, daemonol.

72, where reference is made to an essay by Lipsius, Der Märtyrertod Polycarp's in Z. f. w. T. 1874, ii.

[89:2] Einleilung in das N. T. p. 66, where Lipsius' view is also quoted.

Lipsius in Schenkel's Bibel-Lexicon, i. p. 98.

Lipsius in S. B. L. i. p. 95

Stoicism was commended by Justus Lipsius (died 1606) and Caspar Schoppe (Scioppius, born 1562); Epicureanism was revived by Gassendi (1647), and rhetorizing logicians went back to Cicero and Quintilian.

after Lipsius had given a single chapter from it"The Ideal of Morality according to Christianity"in his Jahrbücher für protestantische Theologie (vol.

Such was the frequency of those shows, and so great the number of men that were killed on those occasions, that Lipsius says, no war caused such slaughter of mankind, as did these sports of pleasure, throughout the several provinces of the vast Roman empire.

But this calculation is built upon the authority of Lipsius.

SEE Grzesinski, Albert C. LIPSIUS, IUSTUS.

SEE Lipsius, Iustus. HALL, MANLY PALMER.

Johnson, the Regulations of an old Roman Club cited by Lipsius, or the rules of a Symposium in an ancient Greek author.

82 examples of  lipsius  in sentences