755 examples of lister in sentences

I refer for this evidence to the very striking facts adduced by Professor Lister in his various well-known publications on the antiseptic method of treatment.

The car was second-class and crowded by returning holiday-makers, but the conductor, who did not know Lister and Miss Duveen, declared all the train was full and they must stay where they were.

When he went off and locked the vestibule Lister looked about.

Lister was embarrassed, for Ruth's sake, until he saw with some surprise that she studied the others with amused curiosity.

" Lister thanked her, and when she got into the car she gave him a curious smile.

CHAPTER VII LISTER'S DISSATISFACTION Soon after his return from Winnipeg, Lister stood one evening by a length of track planned to cut out an awkward curve.

CHAPTER VII LISTER'S DISSATISFACTION Soon after his return from Winnipeg, Lister stood one evening by a length of track planned to cut out an awkward curve.

Angry foremen declared one could not fill up the bog, and Lister knew the heads of the construction office grumbled about the delay.

Lister was angry and puzzled, for he had pushed the road-bed across to near the other side, but the rails had not sunk in the new belt but in ground over which the trains had run.

" "She can't beat us," Lister rejoined impatiently.

" Lister glanced at the trembling light.

We must dump his load in the soft spot before we stop," Lister resumed.

The explosive snorts indicated that the locomotive labored up the last steep pitch, and Lister sat down by the rails.

" Lister said nothing.

" Lister listened.

" Next moment Lister was on his feet.

Hardie was driving too fast; Lister doubted if he could stop before the heavy train plunged through the broken track.

I'll try to fix the lamp," Lister shouted, and started for the bridge.

Willis had lighted the lamp: moreover, one might have sent a workman, but when a job was urgent Lister went himself.

Lister hardly thought he could stop the train.

Character counts for all, and Lister followed his bent.

The red jet got white and leaped higher and Lister, pumping hard, looked up the track.

But the other light was growing and Lister turned the wheel.

When Lister looked round the train was gone.

Lister was not fastidious, and, as a rule, did not stop long enough at one spot to justify his making his shack comfortable.

755 examples of  lister  in sentences