100 examples of litany in sentences

'Oh yes....Park Lane?' 'I told you he was doing very well, and his wife has private means.' 'Mother,' Archie began again, like a litany, 'can I have your long buttonhook?

It Is omitted, too, before the Litany.

St. Isidore writes that they come from Greek liturgy and the opening words Kyrie eleison seem to indicate remnants of an old litany.

The people marched in procession to the spot, chanting the while that dialogue prayer which we call a litany, elaborated, according to circumstances, into a long series of invocations, addressed to God and to angels and saints.

You see it especially in the Litany, which was to be said not only on Sundays, but on Wednesdays and Fridays also.

Some people think the Litany painfully sadtoo sad.

"I have a great mind to whip you,"then, with as sudden a retracting impulse, fling back into his lairand, after a cooling lapse of some minutes (during which all but the culprit had totally forgotten the context) drive headlong out again, piecing out his imperfect sense, as if it had been some Devil's Litany, with the expletory

you that be of the graver sort, do you think these youths worthy of a plaudite for praying for the queen, and singing the litany?

She had never approved of Piers since a certain Sunday morning ten years before when she had caught him shooting at the choir-boys with a catapult, during the litany, over the top of the squire's large square pew.

So Cabesang Andang continued her litany of humble and patient Filipinos, as she called them, and was about to cite others who by not being so had found themselves persecuted and exiled, when Placido on some trifling pretext left the house to wander about the streets.

It was even whispered that Maria Upjohn had in an incautious moment confessed that she preferred the litany to Mr. Webb's spontaneous effusions, and had been summarily sat upon by her mother, whose Bible contained an eleventh commandment curiously omitted from the twentieth chapter of Exodus in other versions, and reading: "Thou shalt not become an Episcopalian, and if possible, thou shalt not be born one."

The Litany ... omitteth very many particulars, ... and it is exceeding disorderly, following no just rules of method.

A pious and fraudulent litany for which may we be forgiven!

When this was gone, with quivering lips she and her husband repeated the litany and prayed for strength to meet the ordeal,then, turning to the unburied dead, they resorted to the only means left to save the nine helpless little ones.

The leading points of retrenchment areremoving all repetitions, such as the Lord's Prayer, the Creed, and the Collect for the day; a portion of the close of the Litany is omitted at the discretion of the minister.

After the aspersion of the holy water, he was conducted to the chapel in procession, with the singing of the Litany of the Blessed Virgin; and the whole function closed with the prayers and ceremonies prescribed for the occasion in Roman Pontifical.'

Kana-loa and Kane-Apua, prophets, walked about the world, causing water to flow from rocks, as did Moses, and in the ancient litany, recited by priest and congregation, the responses of "Hooia, e oia!"

Then Mac, all full of solemn emotion, read through the grand periods of the Church Litany, and when he had finished, Clarian, with a thrilling "Let us pray," offered up such a thanksgiving as I had never heard, praying to the kind Father who had so mercifully extricated him, that our paths might still be enlightened, and our walks made humble and righteous.

" Everything might be worse than it is, says the Poilu, and so he has composed a Litany.

Litany for dictatorships.

(See also Benet, S. V.; 24Oct62; R303419) Litany for dictatorships.

Litany for dictatorships.

They were walking together in a secluded lane that led from behind the Farm Hospital barns to a little patch of woodland through which a clear stream sparkled, a silent, intimate, leafy oasis amid an army-ridden desert, where there was only a cow to stare at them, knee deep in young mint, only a shy cardinal bird to interrupt them with its exquisite litany.

LITANY Mr. Hucks sat in his counting-house, counting out his moneyor so much of it as he had collected from his tenantry on his Saturday rounds.

In contemplating the fate which virtue, morality, even piety experience in history, we must not fall into the Litany of Lamentations, that the good and pious often, or for the most part, fare ill in the world, while the evil-disposed and wicked prosper.

100 examples of  litany  in sentences