78 examples of littell in sentences

I had a letter yesterday from Bobby Littell, and she's going to boarding school.

Don't you think I'll have fun with the Littell girls?" "You'll have a lark, but I'm not so sure about the teachers," declared Bob enthusiastically, an odd little smile quivering on his lips.

"With you and Bobby Littell about, I doubt if the school knows a dull moment.

" In this book Bob and Betty came together again in the Capitol City, and Betty acquired a second "Uncle Dick" in the person of Richard Littell, the father of three lively daughters who innocently kidnapped Betty, only to have the entire family become her firm friends.

Let's see, there's Bobby and Louise Littell and Libbie, and now Norma and Alicefive girls

Betty, Mr. Littell wrote me about a military academy in the East and put me in, touch with several boys who attend it.

I never was so glad to see any one in my life!" cried a gay voice, and Bobby Littell hugged her close in one of her rare caresses.

"Racket while you may, for school-room discipline is coming," laughed Mr. Littell, when he went upstairs unexpectedly early one night and caught the abashed Tucker twins sliding down the banisters.

I came down to call Mr. Littell and bumped into you.

" Betty crept downstairs after Mrs. Littell, the soft, thick rugs making their progress absolutely noiseless.

"Just go up to her quietly and take one of her hands," Mrs. Littell whispered to Betty.

Then Mrs. Littell lifted her in strong arms, put her gently down on the bed, and Libbie rolled up like a little kitten, tucked one hand under her cheek and continued to sleep.

"Now go to bed, children, do," commanded Mrs. Littell.

" "Perhaps your father hopes you'll do a bit more than that," suggested Mr. Littell slyly.

The Littell car carried the twelve to the station soon after breakfast, and though Shadyside and Salsette, unlike many of the large northern schools, ran no "special," the few passengers who were not school bound found themselves decidedly in the minority on the "9:36 local" that morning.

Betty was delighted to meet these old friends, and she introduced them to the Littell girls and Libbie and Frances in the happy, tangled fashion that such introductions usually are performed.

"Ah, your mother wrote me of you," was the principal's greeting to the Littell girls.

Bobby Littell was usually among these.

She had found the Littell girls slow to overtures of friendship, and they persisted in displaying an annoying fancy for the society of Betty and the Guerin girls, who, for all Ada knew, might be what she described to her mother as "perfect nobodies."

He had for a month been seeing Miss Littell every day before any of us knew that he went to see her at all.

R83548, 20Sep51, Gretchen Damrosch Finletter, Polly Damrosch Howard, Alice Damrosch Kiaer & Anita Littell (C) DARROW, FLOYD LAVERN.


William Littell Everitt (A); 5Aug64; R342881.

© 31Dec26, AA316714. R123176, 31Dec53, Art Publication Society (PWH) LITTELL, ROBERT.

R122725, 21Dec53, Robert Littell (A) LIVERIGHT PUBLISHING CORPORATION Alice's adventures in Wonderland. R115023.

78 examples of  littell  in sentences