1160 examples of littering in sentences

Who took his place I never knew, but a stout fighter the lad was, wielding his cutlass viciously, so that we held them, with dead men littering every step to the cabin deck.

He hoped for some discovery among the truck littering the yard that would suggest a way of getting Big Bob again on the run.

Perhaps a direct result of the humans' constant littering, or maybe a military experiment gone haywire.

She rose hastily and obeyed; a rain of silver coins fell, then gold, then banknotes, littering the floor.

Under the broken hedge-rows you saw a littering of weather-beaten French knapsacks and mired uniform coats, but that was all.

In the back part of the house the litter was added to by empty tins and old military equipment.

When my sister was at last ready, they came straight away, leaving the things littering about the room rather than stay longer to pack them up.

" He took a stone from among the rubbish littering the garden and flung it crashing through the window.

Bring the scene back to your memory, and think over the various small objects littering about, and how they would affect the case.

He had all a negro's love of display, and was continually buying new clothes, which, indeed, were lying, hanging, littering, and choking up the bedroom in all directions.

True, the streets are a litter, the Government almost unseen as to modern uplift, the natives are indolent and life moves without bustle or goal.

They have as many pups as the tame dog, littering either in some hollow log, deserted ant-hill, hole in the ground, or thick brush.

An impudent woman, known as Mary Tofts, declared to the world, that, instead of a human child, she had given birth to a litter of rabbits.

" "Yes," I heard him answer, as if pondering the matter, while I fled discreetly upstairs at this juncture, "you doubtless are right; Lavinia Dorman's criticisms have been of infinite value in ridding my work of a litter of words that encumbered the spirit and purpose of it.

Behold, his litter now is coming forth, I see the heralds coming on before.... Hail, royal heralds!

Set down the litter tenderly!

Meanwhile the litter of the King came back With all its retinue of gallant knights.

Here in a dark and dismal rocky room, Where Heaven's light could scarcely find a way, And where around him lay his books and tools Of hateful magic, littering the floor, Steadfast he looked upon a metal mirror That told the fates to him,then muttered low: "The time has come!

Still, a broken feather is no good to anybody, and, as I have told you any number of times, I cannot have trash littering up my kitchen.

Lytton's work, although as vulgar as Verdi's is, in much the same fashion, sustained by a natural sense of formal harmony; but all that follows is decadent,an admixture of romance and realism, the exaggerations of Hugo and the homeliness of Trollope; a litter of ancient elements in a state of decomposition.

It is a most cheering omen that this little book of Pastor Wagner's is falling into so many hands and littering its ingenuous and persuasive plea before so many minds and in so many homes.

Some days a fresh and violent wind would eddy through, littering it with dust and papers, and the waiters of the cafes would have to furl the great awnings as though they were the sails of a vessel.

Just as these several dispositions were completed, Ithuel, who ever kept an eye to windward, called out to Raoul, and inquired if it might not be well to run the yards up to the mast-heads, as they would be more out of the way in their places aloft than littering the decks.

A litter of pigs scampered away, wedging themselves into a hole in the wall, and hung there kicking and squealing, while their indignant mother chased me up a ladder where she hurled at me the vilest imprecations; a solitary Phoebe bird wailed out her plaintive "pee wee, pee wee, pee whi itt," and a newly-married pair of sandpipers chanted their song of the sea on the edge of a mud puddle in the yard.

"How many times have I told you that I will not have parcels left about, littering the whole place?

1160 examples of  littering  in sentences