78 examples of loamy in sentences

On the loamy soil the grass was good and abundant, but the gravel was covered with spiny treraphis.

But there were pockets of rich, loamy soil, moist enough and firm enough to take an impression as clearly as paper takes ink.

The method of propagation, generally followed by the large growers, is that recommended by Loudon, in his incomparable Encyclopedia of Agriculture, and is as follows:The soil selected is in general loamy and deep; this is well broken up before planting, and frequently stirred to free it from the rich growth of weeds that, in Florida in particular, choke the growth of all plants if neglected.

But the earth, which the day before had looked light and loamy to the eye, was stiff and hard enough when one came to tackle it with naked hands, and in an hour's time I had done little more than further weary myself and bruise my fingers.

From Pendleton to Spokane Falls on the north the soil is rich beyond belief; a black, loamy deposit so deep that it seems well-nigh inexhaustible.

If the pitch is naturally a clay one, it might be sufficient to use water only, and roll at the same time; but for renovating a worn clay pitch, a little strong loamy soil, washed in with water and rolled down will fill up all the "chinks" and holes.

Any loamy substance will vastly improve the texture of a light soil and the quality of the herbage.

On the hills, which are very rocky, the grass grew luxuriantly, although the soil is shallow and poor; but in the gullies Mr. Cunningham found some good loamy ground, in which he sowed a few peach-stones, which would doubtless thrive, were it not for the fires of the natives.

There had been but little, but the soil here away was of that rich loamy description which little water turns to mud.

It thrives in any loamy soil, and is easily increased by dividing the root.

In pots it requires a strong loamy soil with plenty of manure.

It is most suitable for the greenhouse, and delights in a soil of loamy peat and sand.

Eccremocarpus (Calampelis).These climbing half-hardy perennials will grow in any garden soil, a light, loamy one being preferable.

The plant likes a good loamy soil mixed with peat.

Nests many together in holes in a clay or loamy bank, lined with feathers and straw.

Well, I have carefully considered what we were discussin' last week, and I have decided to give three hundred pounds, twenty acres of rich loamy soil, without a rock, a furze bush, or a cobble stone in it, five milch cows, six sheep, three clockin' hens and a clutch of ducklin's.

Soil, &c. A strong rich loamy soil is preferable, having a considerable portion of well rotted cow-dung, with a little leaf mould, dug to a depth of two feet, and the beds not raised too high, as it is desirable to preserve moisture in the subsoil; if in pots, this is effected by keeping a saucer of water under them continually, the pot must however be deep, or the fibres will have too much wet; an open airy situation is desirable.

Soil, &c.A mixture of old well rotted stable manure, with one-third the quantity of good fine loamy earth, and a small portion of sand, is the best soil for carnations.

Any good loamy garden soil without much sand, suits the rose, but to produce it in perfection the ground can hardly be too rich.

That night another loamy nook was found, clothed with a little thin grass, but waterless.

" But even Spanish bits could do no more than detain the horses a rod or two behind the beasts of burden, and the whole panting, snorting mob continued to rush over the loamy level with astonishing swiftness.

The rich plains, known as the "black lands" from their deep, loamy soil, which stretch from the Carpathians to the Urals, are the most productive corn-lands in Europe, and rival in fertility the "yellow lands" of China, and like them need no manure.

MEADOW VETCHLING.Abounds much in our natural meadows, particularly in the best loamy soils, where it is very productive and nutritious.

Red Clover is usually cultivated in stiff clays or loamy soils; and when sown alone, about sixteen or eighteen pounds of seed are used for the acre.

This plant, as well as the T. medium and other perennial kinds, is sometimes found in old pastures on loamy soils; and whenever this is the case, it is a certain indication of the goodness of the soil, and such as a judicious gardener would make choice of for potting his exotic plants in, as he may rest assured that the soil which will maintain clover for a succession of seasons will be fit loam for such purposes.

78 examples of  loamy  in sentences