6973 examples of lodge in sentences

It is as easy for us to accept and practice the philosophy of St. Thomas or the divine humanism of St. Francis as it is to accept the philosophy of Mr. Wells or the theories of Sir Oliver Lodge.

Only when he is in college, in his club or in his secret society lodge or the quarters of his ward boss does he find himself in intimate social relations with human beings of like mind and a similar social status.

One morning after breakfast, taking the Baronet by the arm, he led him for a stroll along the drive, down to the lodge-gates, and back, for the purpose, as he explained, of speaking with him in confidence.

One afternoon, after tea out on the lawn, they were walking together by the bypath to the lodge in order to meet Lady Heyburn, who had gone into the village to visit a bedridden old lady.

Once, her father, in the lodge at her back, gurgled and grunted in his sleep.

acomodar, to accommodate, lodge, quarter, furnish with lodging.

almena, f., turret. almohada, f., pillow. alojamiento, m., lodging, quarters. alojarse, to lodge, find lodgings (or quarters).

Cinderella, who was as good as she was beautiful, allowed her sisters to lodge in the palace, and gave them in marriage, that same day, to two lords belonging to the court.

He returned to Tasmania, and passed the rest of his days at his residence, Warwick Lodge, at the head of Newtown Bay.

"I do," said his partner, serenely; "and when I've got it I shall go and tell them at Equator Lodge.

" Mr. Hardy, with a vain attempt to catch Jack Nugent's eye, resigned himself to his fate, and with his fair burden on his arm walked with painful slowness towards Equator Lodge.

nation, the idea of the autocrat of Equator Lodge as a stowaway on board the ship of his ancient enemy proving too serious for ordinary comment.

Mr. Wilks, still gloomy, ventured to doubt it, but cheered up and became almost bright when his visitor announced his intention of trying to smooth over matters for him at Equator Lodge.

The captain had also unbent in another direction, and Mr. Wilks, to his great satisfaction, was allowed to renew his visits to Equator Lodge and assist his old master in the garden.

The success which had attended them had put him into a highly optimistic mood, and he set off for Equator Lodge with the confident feeling that he had, to say the least of it, improved his footing there.

Can you arrange to lodge / Povez-vous prendre de 2,000 men for two days? . .

I dare nowe Lodge him a whole night by my syster's syde, Hee's nowe past strompetting.

And lodge it safe; there's no tyme for that; We'll talke of it herafter.

Grace had gone to the lodge with a message and stopped for a few minutes by the gate.

In the meantime, Grace stood at the lodge gate, watching the road to Ashness while the shadows crept across the dale.

She wanted to tell them how they celebrated Christmas and New Year and Easter and Midsummer Day in her home; what kind of house furnishings they had; what the kitchen and larder were like, and how the cow shed, stable, lodge, and bath house had looked.

Something like a concierge turned princess, and combining the petty spite of the porter's lodge with the caprices of the boudoir and the fagged nerves of the student.

" "Is it your pleasure that we should thrust a halberd through his body, or lodge a bullet in his brain?" asked Gregory, appealing to Amabel.

Before he was aware of it, the poison was down his throat, and Shee-shee-banze had retreated quietly to his own lodge.

Often has he taken into his lodge the wearied white man, given him good food to eat, and a good blanket to sleep on before the fire.

6973 examples of  lodge  in sentences