125237 examples of long in sentences

The crowd of boats pitching tumultuously around the steamer, jostling against each other, their hulls gleaming with wet, as they rose on the beryl-colored waves, striped with long, curded lines of wind-blown foam, would have made a fine subject for the pencil of Achenbach.

The eight hundred and fifty shafts of this marble forest formed labyrinths and mazes, which at that early hour appeared boundless, for their long vistas disappeared in the shadows.

The long, irregular lines of the Alhambra, with the huge red towers rising here and there, reminded me somewhat of a distant view of Karnak; and, like Karnak, the Alhambra is picturesque from whatever point it is viewed.

Besides these, the only persons abroad were some wild-looking individuals, armed to the teeth, and muffled in long cloaks, towards whom, as they passed, José would give his head a slight toss, and whisper to me: "more contrabandistas.

I clattered up the long street of the town to the Club House, where I found a company of English friends.

Here it is brother, I pray you stay not long; Guesse will come in, 'tis almost supper time.

Go downe and see; pray God my man keep close; If he prove long-tongd then my daies are done.

I wonder that my maister staies so long; He had not wont to be abroade so late.

This deede would trouble any quiet soule, To thinke thereof, much more to see it done; Such cruell deedes can never long be hid, Although we practice nere so cunningly.

But since he hath conceal'd the thing thus long, I hope in God he will conceale it still.

If he live long, and growe to riper sinne, [To the people.

There is nothing that prepares one so well for the enjoyment of rest, both mental and physical, as a long-protracted period of excitement and anxiety, followed up by bodily fatigue.

These graceful creatures have long, slender limbs, delicately-formed heads, and large, beautiful eyes.

Meanwhile, Henri, by dint of yelling, throwing his arms wildly about, and digging his heels into the sides of his long-legged horse, succeeded in coming close up with the bull, which once or twice turned his clumsy body half round and glared furiously at its pursuer with its small black eyes.

"The varmints are mounted on wild horsesleastways they were wild not long agone.

Young though he was, and unskilled in such wild warfare, Dick knew well enough what sort of reception he would meet with on coming to the surface, so he kept under water as long as he could, and struck out as vigorously as the care of his rifle would permit.

But as Dick lay quite still and motionless, he went forward with a look of alarm; snuffed him once or twice, and whined piteously; then he raised his nose in the air and uttered a long melancholy wail.

The Author, fearing that so singular a coincidence of thought and language might subject him to the charge of plagiarism, thinks it necessary to state that his poem was written long before he had the pleasure of reading Mr. M.'s.

Though she had long been in the habit of taking her nephew to Mass every Sunday, she was not "pious."

He was entranced, possessed; but the feeling was delicious, and he roamed far and wide in the dark streets, making long detours by the river-side quays to lengthen out his reveries, his heart full, overfull of passionate, voluptuous imaginings.

All day long, in the back-shop where the penetrating smell of paste mingled with the fumes of the cabbage-soup, he lived a life of his own, a life of incomparable splendours.

So long had he laboured and lain awake over the first image he had carried away of her that the impression had become blurred, and the type that had originally imprinted it on his heart no longer corresponded with the result created by his mind's unconscious working.

The room was long and narrow, while against the walls varnished barrels with copper taps were ranged in a long-drawn perspective that was lost in the thick haze of tobacco-smoke hanging in the air under the gas-jets.

And yet, after a long, long look, he turned away almost happy, his heart filled with satisfaction.

And yet, after a long, long look, he turned away almost happy, his heart filled with satisfaction.

125237 examples of  long  in sentences