1354 examples of look forward in sentences

I look forward to the worse half being past, and keep up as well as I can.

The Army cadet has no such glorious future to look forward to as has a midshipman.

And though in this world he may never see them again, he may look forward steadily and longingly to the day when, this life's battle over, he shall meet again in heaven those who gave him life on earth.

I would not tell Lorna this, but in my slow way I began, to look forward to meeting Carver Doone, not for my father's sakeI had forgiven thatbut for Lorna's.

Look forward to the happy prospect before us.

I propose, now, in the concluding section, to look forward from this initial research and to indicate as well as I may in a few words the possibilities of results important for mankind from the thorough study of the monkeys and anthropoid apes.

" We had nothing to look forward to at the end of the journey except a dâk-bungalow's cold welcome, but the Blackies, who live at Madhabad, insisted we should go home with them to dinner; so, instead of the tinned ham-and-egg meal we had expected, we had a dainty, well-cooked dinner in a cosy dining-room.

That they must, therefore, either yield in spirit and valour to that nation which they had so often during those times overcome; or look forward, as the end of their journey, to the plain which spreads between the Tiber and the walls of Rome.

It lingers long, each remaining blossom growing larger and more deep in color, as with many other flowers; and after it there is nothing for which to look forward, save the fantastic Witch-Hazel.

When we engage in a pursuit, a clear and precise conception of what we are pursuing would seem to be the first thing we need, instead of the last we are to look forward to.

Besides the honour, the perquisites are good; accordingly, all old quartermasters, captains of tops, &c., look forward to the cookdom, as the cardinals look to the popedom; and really there is some analogy between them, for neither is preferred from any especial fitness for the office.

Martin's Deluge, too, has lately appeared, and we look forward to the publication of his last splendid picture, the Fall of Nineveh, with high hopes.

I used to go through with prayer merely as a duty, but now I look forward to the regular time for it, and hail opportunities for special seasons with such delight as I once knew nothing of.

He didn't look forward to the job which he thought lay before him; but, of course, it wasn't the first time he had been called in to help calm a man who had become violent under the influence of drink.

But the son was a boy, and he had to look forward to what years might bring him rather than to present happiness from that source.

"You have something to look forward to then.

The painful experience through which he had just passed, the still more painful future to which he had to look forward, aroused an irresistible longing for some immediate and violent change of scene and thought.

Her natural sensitiveness and all the prejudices of her life rebelled against it, and she could not look forward to it without fear and trembling.

Nor do I now judge myself, for I look forward daily to a violent death, or to be taken captive and sold into slavery, or some like end.

" We had for next day to look forward to the longest and hardest ride of the journey in, and in order to make it and reach a good camping site I got up at three o'clock in the morning to rout everybody out.

Look forward with us to the day when "Nation with nation, land with land, Unarmed shall live as comrades free, In every heart and brain shall throb The pulse of one fraternity; "New arts shall bloom, of loftier mould, And mightier music thrill the skies, And every life shall be a song When all the earth is paradise," and come and help us to bring that glad time.

She was afraid to look forward.

She fancied her son, wayward as he was, yet loved her; and though she dared not look forward to his reformation, still, to feel he loved heroh, if fresh zeal were required in her prayers, that knowledge gave it.

By employing these means of watching him, I believe I may look forward to the discovery of his secretif he knows anything about the lost bank-notesas to a dead certainty.

What could they look forward to in the future but a ruined peasantry and the crippling of the iron and weaving industries?

1354 examples of  look forward  in sentences