1355 examples of looking forward in sentences

That, to my thinking, would be a better arrangement than to grow old, even if we live on until we stumble at last from mere infirmity into the grave, looking forward in discontent one half of our lives, and backward in equal discontent the other.

"Top-hole," he replied; "I'm looking forward to some jolly games on 'em.

"It's a great sacrifice, though, to give up what I've been looking forward to for days," he said, "and to let you go from me to-night of all nights.

During the operation they cuffed him from time to time with great heartiness, and abused him for a "tief!a hoss steal!a rascal!" Kenton remained in this painful position throughout the night, looking forward to certain death, and most probably torture, as soon as he should reach their town.

To this you have been looking forward during the cold raw foggy days of November, when the ploughs were hard at work,during the hot fierce winds of March, and the still, sultry, breathless early days of June, when the air was so still and oppressive that you could scarcely breathe.

Looking forward to the period, not far distant, when a sinking fund will no longer be required, the duties on those articles of importation which can not come in competition with our own productions are the first that should engage the attention of Congress in the modification of the tariff.

But with regard to the practicability of the course to be pursued, the right honourable gentleman says, he is looking forward to a time when there shall be no dread of Jacobin principles.

The thought of this splendid glorious brother of hers painfully endeavoring to drag himself back into a state of sobriety from his first wild caper after long wearing of the harness of disciplinean escapade she supposed that he must have been looking forward to for daysdragging himself back to protect heroh, it was too hopeless!

Like every one else, he told us that the apprenticeship was far better than slavery, though he was looking forward to the still better system, entire freedom.

She paused to recover strength; and, looking forward, saw a thin flying shadow coming up to her, with a shriek of delight; and immediately she was hugged rapturously and kissed all over by little Jeannie, whose movements, as they ever wereso agile, so quick, so Proteanappeared to her, now that she was stolid with despair, as the postures and gestures of a creature appearing in a dream.

For six years he had been looking forward to and working for that momentthe final test of all his effort and the beginning of a new triumph.

From looking forward to success in the narrow field of professional advancement, or in the scarcely broader one of the righting of one woman's financial wrongs, he was coming now to crave it in the name of manhood; to burn with an eager desire to see justice done for its own sake.

You remember that day when you left the Grange, how happy I was, looking forward to my husband's return, and thinking of the good news I had to tell him.

On this account I am looking forward.



He was looking forward to the interview.

" The following from Grey (II., 230) gives us an idea of wifely affection and fidelity: "The women have generally some favorite amongst the young men, always looking forward to be his wife at the death of her husband."

Sarah returned to Philadelphia in March, 1832, cutting short her visit at the earnest entreaty of Angelina, who was then looking forward to her first Yearly Meeting, and desired her sister's encouraging presence with her.

There had been too much passion, and too little looking forward to the next steps, in the proceedings of the victors.

"Here's Mrs. Burnside coming out most a month sooner than she wanted to and Miss Sally looking forward to seeing things well under way in that old garden she sets such store by.

She, perceiving the difficulties that were in store for her, and looking forward to the misfortune under which Harry might be placed, declared to herself that he should at least have one friend who would be true to him.

All had done well, and all were looking forward to a rest-off and a good time in Papeete.

" Zara tried to control her interest, and merely said, "Yes?" "Are you looking forward to the reception at Wrayth on Monday?

For was not this ship our world, penned in as we were on every side, and separated from all else by an ocean inexorable and illimitable as space, and were not we likewise looking forward to a fiery doomour finite, perhaps final, day of judgment?

1355 examples of  looking forward  in sentences